2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


A brief summary of the film

Challenge yourself to watch something you have not watched before!You will then discuss in approximately 250 words (one full page) a sociological analysis including:a brief summary of the film,what you learned, andhow it relates to class.Divide your paper into three...

Culture and adolescence

Directions: Watch the video linked in the assignment. Using examples the video as your source – give a brief definition (in your own words!) and provide examples for the concepts below (examples can come from any person’s speech or behaviors and can relate to the...

Gambling Disorders

Part 1: Read the first nine stories in the video link. Write three things you learned from the individual stories that may generalize to most Gambling Disorders. ^^ https://gamblershelp.com.au/learn-about-gambling/personal-stories/ Part 2: Many local courts have...