About Us
who are we?
About Us
weImagine this…,
You have an assignment that’s due but you don’t seem to be making any headway at all.
You are stuck!
Perhaps it’s a hard class for you, maybe you don’t have ample time out of your busy schedule to do the prep work necessary to complete your assignment.
Or worse, maybe a personal emergency came up and you don’t think you’ll get this turned in on time.
That’s understandable. Because sometimes life happens and things don’t always go as planned.
The bad thing is,…
Your Professor might not be so understanding!
He might be the kind to give you the same old unhelpful responses any time you ask for help.
“If you can’t handle the coursework, you should contact your academic advisor about dropping this class. Otherwise I can’t help you!”
“You should plan for your assignments days in advance. Waiting until the last minute to alert me with an extension request because you are sick is completely unacceptable”
So, what do you do…?
You sit down at your computer, go online from webpage to webpage piecing together a paper you hope will get you a good grade.
But what if there was another way? What if you didn’t have to hope?
What if you were to find someone who has already done this paper several times, someone who knows what your Professor is looking for? Someone who could work on this paper for you and assure you of an A or A- grade?
Would you take that chance?
And what if I told you, there is a whole team dedicated to doing just this? A team that will do the research using scholarly sources, outline your academic paper, write it, proofread it, make sure it follows your grading rubric before submitting it to your email for review.
Well, that’s us!
We are a team of 23 writers and editors brought together with one common goal. To help you get GOOD GRADES on your assignments.
Most people don’t believe me when I tell them the types of people we work for.
They think of students who can’t handle college or aren’t smart enough to pass themselves.
But they are totally wrong.
We help the most successful students.
We started this company because we knew there are people who are smart enough to know what they should do and what they should have others do.
Sometimes that means focusing on classes in their major. Sometimes it means working a second job, putting in overtime, or spending more time with family and friends. And sometimes it’s just to get a break from a busy schedule.
We are your answer when you ask, “Can someone do my homework?”
Why us? We’ve been in this business for 11 years and have a history of helping people just like you.
But there’s a catch.
We don’t have the cheapest prices.
We don’t work for everyone.
We don’t cut corners.
That’s why we guarantee you A’s. That’s why we’ve been in business so long. And that’s why our clients keep coming back.
So when you’re ready to achieve your goals, give yourself more time, and succeed in college, we’ll be here ready for you.
Need Quick Assignment Help? Get A Professional Writer Today.
Delivered on time. Plagiarism-free. Good Grades.

A Homework Service You Can Trust.
When your grades are on the line, you need someone with a good track record helping you!
And not only that, you need someone who understands what your professors needs. Someone who has taken the very class you are taking currently. This means hiring a writer who is based in the US. You don’t want to trust one of the most important things in your life (your college career) in the hands of someone who doesn’t know your culture, doesn’t speak or write your language well, and can easily just disappear!
The best way to sniff out foreign writers is by talking or chatting with them online. How do they write? Do they use proper punctuation? Do they spell correctly? Does the way they talk make sense, or does it seem off? Is the price too good to be true?
Our team is entirely based in the US. Our offices are in Carlsbad, CA with some of our writers working from home. A big batch of the writers are degree holders who opted out of a traditional 9 to 5 job preferring to work on a more flexible schedule.
A Team That Cares About Your Grades
We won’t start on your project unless we know we have everything it takes to get you a good grade. And by everything we mean, the exact assignment instructions as they appear on your school account, any additional resources/templates assigned to you by your prof and a grading rubric where present.
Because having the right instructions is the first step towards getting a good grade.
Once we have everything we need on your assignment, our support team will select a team of 2 or 3 writers to work on your assignment. If you are working on a finance paper, a team with a background in finance is selected for you. If yours is a nursing paper, writers with nursing backgrounds are chosen to work on your paper.
The last thing you want is a writer who graduated with an economics degree working on your law assignment!

As a Modern Day Student All You Want is a Break! A Break to:
Catch up on your assignment readings.
Improve your class grades.
Spend more time with family and friends.
To attend to your work commitments.
Who will be working on my paper?
All our writers are native English Speakers. That is not to say that ESL writers are not good, we just prefer hiring native writers because we want the very best people working on your paper. This might mean paying a little bit more for your paper as opposed to when you pay a foreign company whose writers are non-native English Speakers.
What's the easiest way to contact you?
That would be via our support email (support@essaynook.com). A standard response takes anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. If you need an immediate response, please contact live chat support.
How long have you been in this business?
We’ve been writing since 2007. In the 13 years we’ve been in business, our team grew from 2 friends working from their apartment to a team of 23 writers working from downtown Carlsbad.
Is there anything else you do apart from writing?
No. Writing is our bread and butter! That’s why we take it very seriously.
A Team You Can Trust
No more missed deadlines! No more late points deductions!
Give us your assignments instructions via email or through our order page.
Our support team selects a qualified writing team of 2 writers for you.
In under 5 minutes after you place your order, research & writing begins.
Complete paper is delivered to your email before your deadline is up.
What Students Like You Have to Say About Us
They have been a God-send…..They gather all your information first……Communication was great from start to finish…

Sofia Rodriguez
Reviewed via facebook
First time using. Remote learning is awful. I am working from home, helping the kids, cleaning and cooking the meals… My oldest daughter switched schools in December right before this pandemic. We started remote learning in March… Such a gap between schools. Praying for a little guidance. Remote teaching should come with all the answers. This site has been a God-send!

Melissa Sanders
Reviewed via Twitter
I love the fact that they take the time to gather all your information first, before selecting a team to work on your paper. Quite unlike other services I used in the past! All those sites cared about is getting your money first and then figuring out how to work on your assignment later.

Anthony Ness
Reviewed via Email
Communication was great from the start to finish – Anna was with me the whole way. My task was completed same day as it was urgent. I’ve looked at quite a few similar services, and nowhere else have I found a team that really gets me like they do. Granted I had to make a few edits myself but that only took me around 30 mins to complete!
Need help? We’re always here for you.
Talk to our live chat team. We are available 24/7.