2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Give a real life example from life experience which explains Classical Conditioning   BE sure to explain the conditioning sequence and identify the UCS, UCR, (NS – Neutral Stimulus) the CR and the CS.

  Please be sure to fully address the questions.  These are considered essay questions.  Answer in complete sentences and be careful to attend to the details of each question.   Number and repeat original question before each response.   The information for...

Create  a scenario, analyze it, and then discuss the likely and potential  impacts of intimate relationships on the client and the human service  professional.

  Your post should be at least 350 words in length It  is not difficult to imagine that intimate relationships with clients  can have a detrimental impact both on the helping relationship and on  the client. In this Discussion, you will take the opportunity to...