2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


define what neurodiversity is and the give examples of the mental health disorders which fall within this category as well as explain how these afflictions may impact the workplace performance and overall quality of life among neurodiverse people.

Introduction: Please define what neurodiversity is and the give examples of the mental health disorders which fall within this category as well as explain how these afflictions may impact the workplace performance and overall quality of life among neurodiverse people....

choose one historical public relations moment from our readings ( PR World War II ) (e.g., a first, a controversy, a leader, an innovation) and outline why you think it had a major impact on either today’s perception of the industry or the modern-day practice of the field.

Share with the class your driving interest in PR. Then, choose one historical public relations moment from our readings ( PR World War II ) (e.g., a first, a controversy, a leader, an innovation) and outline why you think it had a major impact on either today’s...