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You must respond to Part A and B Part A: Many companies have adapted their marke

June 29, 2024

You must respond to Part A and B
Part A:
Many companies have adapted their marketing strategy to coincide with social trends. An example of this is McDonalds attempting to add more nutritious food to its menu after the social perception of fast food began to shift. By paying close attention to customer needs and continuously monitoring the business environment, McDonalds identified opportunities and created some nutritious options. Several companies have adapted their business model and marketing strategy based off of social factors such as nutrition, sustainability, health, and others. Select another company that has adapted to social trends and describe the change OR select a company that you believe should adapt to a social trend and explain how.
Part B:
On page 176 of your book, the Consumer Decision Process is outlined. For Part B, I would like you to walk us through your Consumer Buying Decision process of a recent purchase you made. Be sure to follow all steps in Exhibit 6.1.
*** You must respond to three of your peers. You can comment on either Part A or Part B, but you must make the word limit listed on your syllabus. Your responses should reflect on what your peer posted, or compare their posts to what you found for your own.***
The deadline for every discussion assignment every week is Wednesday at 11:59 PM.
*I give bonus points for thoughtful responses at the end of the semester.
classmates 1 
Tonasia Malloy 
Consumer Decision Process/ Marketing Strategy
Part A
Company: Chipotle
I think Chipotle is a company is a good company that model marketing strategy ,social factors,nutrition, sustainability and health.
Marketing Strategy:  the best way that chipotle markets there selves is haveing pride in there product and makeing sure that there food and  and trust in there works are at the forefront. Giveing customers the feel that they take grate care of both.
Social Factors: Chipotle has a grate social factors by building a cultuure and inclusion and supporting there communty. Chipotle organized raffles and slient organizations they donated $99 million dollars to local organizations 
Nutrition:  Chipotle all ways makes sure to use the highest quality ingredients buy making sure there is food with integrity, food safty, quality and efficiency. 
For eaxmaple 
No Antibiotics Ever for beef and chicken supplied to Chipotle
Our beef is traceable back to the ranch of origin, vegetarian-fed, and raised without added hormones
or antibiotics
Our pork comes from pigs raised outdoors or in bedded barns
Weather permitting, all active milk cows have access
to pasture
Strictly vegetarian diet for animal feed
All suppliers are subject to third-party audits and certifications
Sustainability and health:
Chipotle practices Sustainability with there eating containers. Chipotle uses fiber that is compostable.
Part B
Need Recognition: I am takeing my daughter away on vacation and realized that she only had two pairs of sandals and i felt that she needed a 3rd pair.
Internal Search for Information: I knew that I usually get her sandals from children’s place because I know her size and get her cloths from the gap because I like the quality of their clothes. I wanted to make sure that if I was going to venture off to a different store i had to go with what i know.
Alternative Evaluation: i asked my sister what her thoughts were about buying shoes from the gap. She told me that she never bout shoes from there and it would have to be my choice at that point.
Purchase: So i decided so go with the sandles she still wares them and she is very comfortable in them
Post Purchase: When i was done buying the sandals the young lady at the counter made sure that i had a good experience and gave me a 10% coupon and told me i cound use it on my next purchase.
classmate 2
Iryna Ryzhavska 
Social Trends and Consumer Decisions
Part A
Starbucks’ Adaptation to Social Trends
1. Sustainable Sourcing
Starbucks has committed to ethically sourcing 100% of its coffee through its Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices. This program ensures that coffee is sourced in ways that support the well-being of coffee farmers, their communities, and the environment. The company has also invested in farmer support centers worldwide to provide resources and training on sustainable farming practices.
2. Environmental Initiatives
Starbucks has implemented several initiatives to reduce its environmental footprint. This includes a commitment to reducing waste using recyclable and reusable cups, as well as encouraging customers to bring their own cups by offering a discount. Additionally, Starbucks has set goals to cut its carbon, water, and waste footprints by half by 2030. The company is also working to create greener stores with energy-efficient designs and equipment.
3. Plant-Based Options
Recognizing the growing demand for plant-based foods, Starbucks has expanded its menu to include a variety of plant-based food and beverage options. This includes the introduction of plant-based milk alternatives like almond, soy, and oat milk, as well as plant-based food items such as the Impossible Breakfast Sandwich and various vegan bakery items.
4. Community and Social Impact
Starbucks has also focused on creating a positive social impact by supporting communities and promoting inclusivity. The company has initiatives aimed at hiring veterans, military spouses, and refugees, as well as creating opportunities for youth and supporting local community projects through the Starbucks Foundation.
By aligning its business practices and marketing strategy with social trends related to sustainability, ethical sourcing, and community impact, Starbucks has not only enhanced its brand image but also built stronger connections with its customers who value these principles.
Part B
Let me walk you through my recent consumer buying decision process for purchasing a new air conditioner.
1. Problem Recognition
During this particularly hot summer, my existing air conditioner started failing, providing insufficient cooling and making unusual noises. Recognizing the discomfort and inefficiency, I decided it was the time to replace it with a new, more reliable unit.
2. Information Search
I began gathering information from various sources:
Internal Search: Recalled my past experiences with different brands and types of air conditioners, including what features and specifications were most important to me, like energy efficiency and cooling capacity.
External Search:
Browsed online reviews and ratings on websites like Consumer Reports and Home Depot.
Read customer feedback on e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Best Buy.
Recommendations from friends and family who had recently purchased air conditioners.
Visited manufacturer websites (e.g., LG, Samsung, etc.) to compare models and specifications.
Checked local appliance stores in Brooklyn to see the units in person and get advice from sales reps.
3. Alternatives Evaluation
I compared several models based on key criteria such as energy efficiency (EER rating), cooling capacity (BTUs), price, noise levels, and additional features (e.g., smart home compatibility, air purifiers):
Option 1: LG Dual Inverter Window AC
Pros: High energy efficiency, low noise, Wi-Fi connectivity.
Cons: Higher price.
Option 2: Frigidaire Window-Mounted Room AC
Pros: Affordable, reliable performance, easy installation.
Cons: Slightly louder operation, no smart features.
Option 3: Daikin Split AC
Pros: Excellent cooling, energy-efficient, quiet operation.
Cons: Higher installation cost requires professional setup.
4. Purchase Decision
After evaluating the alternatives, I decided to purchase the LG Dual Inverter Window AC. The key factors influencing my decision were:
Energy Efficiency: The high EER rating promised lower electricity bills.
Noise Levels: Its low noise operation with Sleep mode was ideal for a peaceful home environment.
Smart Features: Wi-Fi connectivity allowed me to control the unit remotely via a smartphone app, adding convenience.
5. Post-Purchase Evaluation
After installing and using the LG Dual Inverter Window AC for a few weeks, I assessed my satisfaction:
Positive Aspects:
The unit cools the room quickly and maintains a comfortable temperature efficiently.
The noise level is impressively low, making it unobtrusive during sleep or reading.
The smart features are convenient, allowing me to adjust settings remotely and schedule operations.
Negative Aspects:
The initial cost was higher than some other models, but the energy savings are expected to offset this over time.
Installation required some effort and help of my neighbor, but it was manageable with the provided instructions.
Overall, I am very satisfied with my purchase. The LG Dual Inverter Window AC met my expectations in terms of performance, efficiency, and convenience, reinforcing my confidence in the brand and my decision-making process.
classmate 3 
when i get class mate 3 i will send it too you 

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