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Written Assignment #2 – A Night at the Opera  A night at the opera was society’s

May 13, 2024

Written Assignment #2 – A Night at the Opera 
A night at the opera was society’s entertainment long before radio, television, music players and streaming! Though the earliest recorded opera is Jacopo Peri’s Dafne, first performed in 1597, opera is still quite popular today. Consider why it has “staying power” (long-lasting) as you complete the assignment below:
Listen to the three arias below and read the translations and subtitles as you listen to understand what the opera aria is all about.
Leontyne Price sings “Ritorna Vincitor” from Verdi’s opera AidaLinks to an external site.
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Italian to English Translation of aria “Ritorna vincitor
Ritorna vincitor!
E dal mio labbro uscì l’empia parola!
Vincitor del padre mio di lui
Che impugna l’armi per me
Per ridonarmi una patria,
Una reggia e il nome illustre
Che qui celar m’è forza!
Vincitor de’miei fratelli ond’io lo vegga,
Tinto del sangue amato,
Trionfar nel plauso dell’Egizie coorti!
E dietro il carro,
Un Re, mio padre di catene avvinto!
L’insana parola o Numi sperdete!
Al seno d’un padre la figlia rendete,
Struggete le squadre dei nostri oppressor!
Ah! sventurata! Che dissi?
E l’amor mio?
Dunque scordar poss’io questo fervido amore
Che, oppressa e schiava,
Come raggio di sol qui mi beava?
Imprecherò la morte a Radamès
a lui ch’amo pur tanto!
Ah! non fu interra mai da più crudeli
Angoscie un core affranto!
I sacri nomi di padre d’amante,
Nè profferir poss’io nè ricordar
Per l’un per l’altro confusa tremante
Io piangere vorrei pregar.
Ma la mia prece in bestemmia si muta
Delitto è il pianto a me colpa il sospir
In notte cupa la mente è perduta
E nell’ansia crudel vorrei morir.
Numi, pietà  del mio soffrir!
Speme non v’ha pel mio dolor
Amor fatal tremendo amore
Spezzami il cor, fammi morir!
Return victor!
And from my lips escapes the impious word!
Victor over my father –
over the armies
defending my country,
my palace, and the illustrious name
that is my sky, my strength!
Victor over my brothers, I will see
with whose loved blood is stained –
Triumphant in the applause of Egyptian troops.
And behind his chariot,
a king, my father, the captive of this victor!
The insane word, o gods, forget!
To the bosom of his father return his daughterk
struggling against the squadrons of our
Ah! unhappy one! What did I say?
And my love?
Can I ever forget the fervent love
that oppresses and enslaves!
Like rays of the sun which blesses me?
I will call for death to Radames,
To him that I love forever!
never on earth, by more cruelty
was a heart torn!
In the sacred name of my father, who I love,
I cannot offer or recall
For one or the other confused, trembling,
I weep and want to pray.
But my prayer becomes blasphemy
A crime are my tears, my sighs are my sin.
In night-darkness the mind is lost.
And in cruel anguish, I want to die.
Gods, have pity on my suffering!
There is no hope in my woe
Fatal love, tremendous love,
Break my heart or let me die!
Kiri Te Kanawa & Thomas Allen sing Papageno and Pamina Duet “Bei Männern welche Liebe fühlen” from Mozart’s opera Die ZauberflöteLinks to an external site.

German to English translation of Aria “Bei Mannern welch Libe fuhlen”
Bei Männern welche Liebe fühlen
Libretto: Emanuel Schikaneder
Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen,
fehlt auch ein gutes Herze nicht.
Die süßen Triebe mitzufühlen,
ist dann der Weiber erste Pflicht.
Wir wollen uns der Liebe freu’n,
wir leben durch die Lieb’ allein.
Die Lieb’ versüßet jede Plage,
ihr opfert jede Kreatur.
Sie würzet uns’re Lebenstage,
sie wirkt im Kreise der Natur.
Ihr hoher Zweck zeigt deutlich an:
nichts Edler’s sei, als Weib und Mann.
Mann und Weib, und Weib und Mann,
reichen an die Gottheit an.
Men who feel the call of love
English translation © Richard StokesLinks to an external site.
Men who feel the call of love
Do not lack a gentle heart.
To share these sweet desires
Is women’s first duty.
We shall rejoice in love,
We live for love alone.
Love sweetens every sorrow,
All creatures pay it homage.
Love adds spice to our days on earth,
Love is at work throughout all nature.
Its exalted goal is manifest:
Nothing is more noble than man and wife.
Man and wife, and wife and man,
Attain divinity.
Brindisi aka The Drinking Song (The Royal Opera)-From Verdi’s opera La TraviataLinks to an external site.

Translation from Italian to English for the Aria “Brindisi”
La Traviata – Brindisi (original lyric)
Libiamo, libiamo ne’lieti calici
che la belleza infiora.
E la fuggevol ora s’inebrii
a voluttà.
Libiamo ne’dolci fremiti
che suscita l’amore,
poichè quell’ochio al core
Omnipotente va.
Libiamo, amore fra i calici
più caldi baci avrà.
Ah, libiamo;
amor fra i calici
Più caldi baci avrà
Tra voi tra voi saprò dividere
il tempo mio giocondo;
Tutto è follia nel mondo
Ciò che non è piacer.
Godiam, fugace e rapido
e’il gaudio dell’amore,
e’un fior che nasce e muore,
ne più si può goder.
Godiam c’invita un fervido
accento lusighier.
Godiam, la tazza e il cantico
la notte abbella e il riso;
in questo paradise
ne sopra il nuovo dì.
La vita è nel tripudio
Quando non s’ami ancora.
Nol dite a chi l’ignora,
e’ il mio destin così …
Godiamo, la tazza e il cantico
la notte abbella e il riso;
in questo paradiso ne sopra il nuovo dì.
La Traviata – Toast
Let’s drink from the joyful cups
that beauty inflames.
And the fleeting hour became evident
We liberate in the slightest quivering
that raises love,
as that at the core
Omnipotent goes.
Let’s free, love between the glasses
warmer kisses will have.
Ah, let us free;
love among the glasses
Warmer kisses will have
I will be able to divide between you
my joyous time;
Everything is madness in the world
What is not pleasure.
Godiam, fleeting and quick
It is the joy of love,
it is a flower that is born and dies,
no more can be enjoyed.
Godiam invites us a fervid
lusighier accent.
Godiam, the cup and the song
night abbella and laughter;
in this paradise
ne over the new day.
Life is in jubilation
When you do not love me yet.
Do not say to those who ignore it,
it’s my destiny like this …
We enjoy the cup and the song
night abbella and laughter;
in this paradise over the new day.
1. Listen to the Opera arias above.
Click on, Download, and Complete  Written Assignment 2- A Night at the Opera v. 2237-1.docx
, describing in detail what you notice in each aria. What is the tempo like? What exactly creates unity and variety in each opera aria? Be specific below and write in complete sentences with correct spelling and grammar.
In Microsoft Word, run a spell check/grammar check (under the “Review” menu in Word). Correct grammar and spelling will be part of your grade.
Then Click Start Assignment. Browse your computer and Upload your file. Click Submit Assignment. All written assignments will run through Turn-It-In, a plagiarism checking tool. Be sure to paraphrase appropriately.
See attached Rubric below for how your grade will be determined.
Need help with CANVAS? If you do, please watch the Assignment Submissions TutorialLinks to an external site.
Written Assignment #2: A Night at the Opera
Written Assignment #2: A Night at the Opera
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Spelling
25 pts
Assignment has correct grammar and spelling.
17 pts
Assignment has 75% correct grammar and spelling.
8 pts
Assignment has many grammar and spelling errors.
0 pts
No Points
Spelling and grammar errors are unacceptable.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComparisons
25 pts
Comparisons were thoughtful and thorough.
17 pts
Comparisons were mostly thoughtful and thorough.
8 pts
Comparisons were not very thoughtful and thorough.
0 pts
No Points
No comparisons were made.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness
25 pts
The assignment demonstrates completeness.
17 pts
The assignment is mostly complete.
8 pts
The assignment is half complete.
0 pts
No Points
The assignment is mostly incomplete.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInsightfulness
25 pts
The assignment demonstrates insightful observations.
17 pts
The assignment is mostly insightful.
8 pts
The assignment demonstrates some insight.
0 pts
No Points
The assignment misses the point.
25 pts

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