Length: 500-600 words (Works Cited not included). Line spacing: Double-spaced. Font: Times New Roman. Margins: 1-inch. MLA formatting: Follow the example provided in this tutorial to format your document. In-Text Citations and a Works Cited page: Provide proper in-text citations to the film you selected as well as any course materials or other resources you used to support your analysis. Attach a Works Cited page to the end of your paper.
Film Topic: Pride and Prejudice- how feminism is displayed in Elizabeth Bennetts character Step 6: Write a feminist analysis of the film based on your notes, your understanding of the concepts we have covered so far in the course, and the materials that we have viewed/read. Your analysis must include basic information about the film, including the title of the film and a very brief plot summary.
Extensive plot summary is unnecessary. Points will be taken off for excessive summary. The majority of the essay should be a discussion of the way in which the movie represents women and feminist concerns. I would suggest working your way through the Feminist Movie Analysis Checklist and discussing (explaining/exemplifying) the answers that seem most important to the movie as a whole and your experience watching it through the feminist “lens.” You don’t have to go through and talk about everything. Maybe pick three to five points to talk about in detail.