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Task summary You will draw on all you have learned about the theory and practice

May 17, 2024

Task summary
You will draw on all you have learned about the theory and
practice of strategic marketing to develop a marketing plan that
reflects and responds to seminal questions on business related to strategic
marketing. Your marketing plan will be designed to meet the
needs. Your plan will be presented in the form of a business report (with a
specific structure) and be no more than 2500 words long (excluding title page,
references and appendix). You need to have roughly 4 references per 500 words.
The report will be evaluated using the attached criteria
In completing this task, you are expected to draw upon
broader knowledge about marketing. Including references to other readings to
support and contextualise your opinion is required.
Task description
You are expected to reflect and respond to seminal
questions on business related to strategic marketing. An important aspect of
this process of reflection involves bringing your ideas together and applying
them to a relevant scenario. This will demonstrate your capacity to assimilate
knowledge in these disciplines and fields of scholarship. A capacity to develop
an argument is necessary to clearly present your ideas to an audience
unfamiliar with your concerns. Support for your ideas will involve mustering
evidence to demonstrate how the practice is informed by theory and critical
Your task is to undertake market research to identify a
suitable marketing strategy for a product or service within your organisation
(see below). Your marketing strategy will be in the form of a business report
and include the following sections:
Title page
Executive Summary (200-300 words):
The executive summary is a condensed version of a business document that
summarises a longer report or proposal (e.g., what is the background
information, analysis and main recommendations?).
Introduction and problem statement (200-300 words):
Provide background information of your chosen organisation. Reflect on the
background to the strategic marketing initiative and identify the problems the
product or service is facing, e.g., What is the problem, and why is it
problematic? Is it lack of awareness, pricing, distribution or other problems?
Consider the organisation’s corporate strategy and explain how this connects to
the strategic marketing strategy and plan.
Situation analysis (600-700 words):
Using tools (such as SWOT and PESTLE analysis) identify
factors that might support or hinder how the marketing strategy is devised,
executed and evaluated.
Objectives (100-200 words):
In designing a solution to the meet the market, set 2-4 realistic marketing
objectives. Relate the objectives to the identified problem and situation
analysis. All objectives should be described using the SMART
Market segmentation analysis (400-500 words):
Identify the relevant market segments, targeting, brand prioritising and
product positioning to develop potential distribution channels and
communications campaigns.
Marketing mix strategy (500-600 words):
Develop a marketing mix strategy that covers specifics of the product, price,
place and promotion aspects.
Implementation and evaluation (400-500 words):
Given your analysis and discussion so far, provide some recommendations that
the chosen organisation can undertake. The implementation plan should consider
the effectiveness of the overall marketing strategy and explain how
organisational resources are used to accomplish the marketing mix strategy and
objectives. Also consider the legal, ethical and societal influences that
impact on the effectiveness of the marketing strategy.
Conclusion (100-200 words):
Includes a summary of the key points of your marketing plan.
of research and reference list:
Draw on readings and marketing concepts/theories to support key points in your
marketing plan. References should include sources such as journal articles,
textbooks and useful websites such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics,
Austrade, CIA Factbook, Doing Business and any state or Commonwealth authority
Your organisation: AI
You are the head of the marketing department for AI
Robotics. The Research and Development unit has recently unveiled a driverless
car. Your company has made the decision to enter the driverless vehicle market
niche with this new vehicle. The company’s board has expressed concern about
the potential negative impact of recent media reports about incidents involving
driverless vehicles. They have asked you to prepare a report on your marketing
plan for a small fleet of autonomous vehicles.
To begin with
Read this selection of articles on Driverless
Cars from “The Conversation”. Read enough
articles until you feel familiar with the topic (you do not need to read
them all). https://theconversation.com/au/topics/driverless-cars-11740
Watch a video on ‘The Future of Driverless Cars’

Reports must follow the APA 7th edition referencing style as
specified in the APA abridged guide available from CQUniversity’s referencing guides page
Your entire report must not exceed 2500 words (excluding title page,
references and appendix).

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