2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please review the course learning objectives and choose one learning outcome for this discussion (listed them below).

June 4, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Please review the course learning objectives and choose one learning outcome for this discussion (listed them below). Write out the number and name of your chosen learning outcome. Now, answer the following:
– What readings and assignments have covered this learning outcome?
– Using your own words, explain the learning outcome using what you’ve learned thus far.
Course Learning Objectives:
1. Describe how websites, as a source of e-marketing and the use of mobile platforms, have changed the
way consumers shop. 2. Analyze SEM, SEO, and PPC strategies to optimize marketing efforts. 3. Apply the use of content marketing through creative, copy, and video-/image-based marketing. 4. Differentiate website tools used in website design and development. 5. Assess the value of web analytics and optimization to a company. 6. Evaluate legal and ethical issues associated
** This is an example from one of my peers (please do not copy but you can use the same topic.**
1. Describe how websites, as a source of e-marketing and the use of mobile platforms, have changed the way consumers shop.
Due to the dynamic shift in technology and everchanging advancements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there is a demand for marketers to learn and adapt new skills to transition traditional marketing approaches to include e-marketing (Carmicheal, 2019). The very concept of the class eludes the importance of an organization’s efficient and effective online digital presence through basic principles of websites and digital content. As a class, we touched on this learning outcome in week one by identifying the difference between inbound and outbound marketing and how an organization’s online content presented through its website is critical. The article 12 things that people absolutely dislike about your website by Marcus Berkovitz (2020) provided a ‘what not to do approach’ to e-marketing and website development. At the same time, our textbook readings from Marcus Sheridan (2019) provide case studies and a business philosophy that promotes inbound marketing through online content and website optimization. Sheridan (2019) stresses throughout his text how the power of the internet has altered the consumer’s journey and buying process. As an organization, you must be honest, transparent, and a thought leader in your industry to compete and conquer today’s knowledgeable digital consumers.
The ability to design, update, and generate a website and its digital content is powerful and time-consuming. There are multiple parts hidden in the background that the digital consumer will never know of or see. However, these minor adjustments like the use of search engine optimization tactics such as keywords and backlinks, the application of inbound marketing strategies, development of personas, target market segmentation, and the application of business philosophies such as They Ask You Answer is enabling marketers to adapt to the new e-marketing platforms required to reach their target audience. It takes several moving parts to generate and consistently update and manage an e-marketing approach in today’s advanced technological marketing scope. While in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, I feel fortunate to be attending classes such as this one to learn and understand the current shift occurring in our trade and how websites and mobile platforms are required to continue advancing an organization’s marketing strategy adaption.
Berkovitz, M. (2020, July 1). 12 Things that people absolutely dislike about your website. Wise Stamp. https://www.wisestamp.com/blog/12-things-that-people-absolutely-dislike-about-your-website/ (Links to an external site.)
Carmicheal, K. (2019, November 13). How the fourth industrial revolution could affect marketers. Hubspot. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/fourth-industrial-revolution (Links to an external site.)
Sheridan, M. (2019). They ask you answer: Revised and updated a revolutionary approach to inbound sales, content marketing, and today’s digital consumer. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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