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MyFuture – My Future of Work Assignment Final Project and Presentation Overview

June 12, 2024

MyFuture – My Future of Work Assignment
Final Project and Presentation
At the 2005 Stanford Commencement, Steve Jobs said in his speech, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Whether you agree with this quote or not, connecting the dots (who you are + what you believe + what you do) is critical to moving forward toward a well-designed life by reflecting back. Connecting the dots will lead to coherence and meaning making as you design your personal brand. Right now, your greater purpose may not be clear, but the research, analysis, discussion, and interactive activities you’ve completed this semester have prepared you to reflect, be present, and look forward…toward the future of work.
From chapter 3 in the text, Chritton writes, “Finding a career based on your passions was a central theme of the speech. Jobs urged the Stanford graduates to find out what they love and not to settle for anything less because they were going to spend such a large part of their lives focused on work. He said that, ‘the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do (Chritton, 48).’” 
Preparing for the future of work and understanding the value of your network will be critical to the success of your personal brand. It will be imperative for you to build your team of contacts, collaborators, and colleagues. Additionally, with your résumé, cover letter, and grasp of career-related tools like Handshake, the future of work will be easier to navigate and improve your results for a positive career outcome and a superior personal brand.
Through this course, you have developed a deeper understanding of yourself and how you can prepare for the future of work by digging into the value of a personal brand. Remember, your worldview and workview will provide the foundation of who you are and what you believe while in pursuit of coherence and meaning making of what you want to do. This final assignment has multiple components:
Component #1: The first step in any career plan is to figure out what type of work interests you and what education and skills you will need to find a career. Go to https://www.mynextmove.org/ and complete a career assessment that will help you evaluate: Work Interest, Personality, Values (similar to your worldview), and Skills. It will then list a range of occupations that match your profile, allow you to choose the level of the occupation/career you would like to achieve, and identify the education you will need to obtain a position at that level.
Component #2: Review the range of occupations that match your profile and select one that intrigues you the most. Ask yourself: (1) why do you find this occupation delightful or intriguing?, (2) how might you explore the delightful parts?, (3) how does this occupation match with your worldview, workview, and other future of work components?, and (4) why/why not? It’s important to provide an analysis of the important components of the occupation: typical occupation tasks, work interest profile alignment, skills, values, work conditions, education requirements, future outlook (this is where technological disruption may be seen – take some time to discuss the disruption occurring in this industry), and earnings. Ask yourself, based on what we have discussed in this course, are there new skills or competencies needed to be successful in this chosen occupation? Additionally, please answer the questions below:
What is your target occupation based on your results?
What education do you need to obtain and be successful in that job/career and how and when do you plan to obtain it?
What will you do while getting the education needed to build contacts, networks, or other pathways to your target job?
Once hired:
Who will you seek out as your mentor(s)?
What key external professional/occupational/personal networks will you need to build or join and maintain to be successful in this job?
What will you do to keep your skills up to date with changing technologies (disruption) or other ways this job might/will change in the future? The importance of lifelong learning is relevant here. Also, consider upskilling, skilling, or re-skilling as your job may evolve.
What do you want to be doing in ten years?
What else do you need to achieve your ten-year goal(s)?
How will your job/career fit with your personal/family life? Who else do you need to consider and consult in making job/career decisions?
What will you do to find an employer(s) and work environment that meets your expectations (workview is really important)? 
Once employed, what will you do to improve the employment conditions and opportunities that allow you and your fellow employees to achieve their career goals? 
Component #3: 
Job/Internship description from Handshake: Go favorite job/internship search database and perform a search that aligns with the occupation chosen in Component #2 and provide the description.
Résumé: Complete your résumé 
Cover Letter: Complete your cover letter 
Elevator Pitch: Based on the guidelines discussed in class, you will create an elevator pitch for the selected occupation from Component #2.
This paper should be 3- to 5-pages in length, double-spaced, 11-point font and is worth 100 points (15% of your final grade) and will be graded on the following criteria: 
Meeting the assignment criteria and portray critical thinking skills through writing
Please cite and provide an in-depth, specific analysis.
Presenting clear organization and appropriate use of correct terminology from the text, lectures, and articles
Using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Using proper quoting, paraphrasing, and footnoting
Format for Presentation
Record a 5-minute presentation of your future of work, which is worth 100 points (5% of your final grade) and will be graded on the following criteria:
Delivery of a coherent presentation that integrates evidence from research sources
Clear organization and appropriate use of time
Identification of how your topic relates to the course theme(s) 
Conversational delivery that is jargon-free
Proper quoting, paraphrasing, and oral footnoting
Personal Branding and
Faculty Name
MyFuture – My Future of Work Assignment
Final Project and Presentation
At the
2005 Stanford Commencement, Steve Jobs said in his speech, “You can’t connect
the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you
have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to
trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach
has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” Whether
you agree with this quote or not, connecting the dots (who you are + what you
believe + what you do) is critical to moving forward toward a well-designed
life by reflecting back. Connecting the dots will lead to coherence and meaning
making as you design your personal brand. Right now, your greater purpose may
not be clear, but the research, analysis, discussion, and interactive
activities you’ve completed this semester have prepared you to reflect, be
present, and look forward…toward the future of work.
chapter 3 in the text, Chritton writes, “Finding a career based on your
passions was a central theme of the speech. Jobs urged the Stanford graduates
to find out what they love and not to settle for anything less because they
were going to spend such a large part of their lives focused on work. He said
that, ‘the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great
work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do (Chritton,
for the future of work and understanding the value of your network will be
critical to the success of your personal brand. It will be imperative for you
to build your team of contacts, collaborators, and colleagues. Additionally,
with your résumé, cover letter, and grasp of career-related tools like
Handshake, the future of work will be easier to navigate and improve your
results for a positive career outcome and a superior personal brand.
Through this course, you have
developed a deeper understanding of yourself and how you can prepare for the
future of work by digging into the value of a personal brand. Remember, your
worldview and workview will provide the foundation of who you are and what you
believe while in pursuit of coherence and meaning making of what you want to do.
This final assignment has multiple components:
#1: The first step in any career plan
is to figure out what type of work interests you and what education and skills
you will need to find a career. Go to https://www.mynextmove.org/ and complete a career assessment that will help you
evaluate: Work Interest, Personality, Values (similar to your worldview), and
Skills. It will then list a range of occupations that match your profile, allow
you to choose the level of the occupation/career you would like to achieve, and
identify the education you will need to obtain a position at that level.
#2: Review the range of occupations
that match your profile and select one that intrigues you the most. Ask
yourself: (1) why do you find this occupation delightful or intriguing?, (2)
how might you explore the delightful parts?, (3) how does this occupation match
with your worldview, workview, and other future of work components?, and (4)
why/why not? It’s important to provide an analysis of the important components
of the occupation: typical occupation tasks, work interest profile alignment,
skills, values, work conditions, education requirements, future outlook (this
is where technological disruption may be seen – take some time to discuss the
disruption occurring in this industry), and earnings. Ask yourself, based on
what we have discussed in this course, are there new skills or competencies
needed to be successful in this chosen occupation? Additionally, please answer
the questions below:
o   What is your target occupation based on your results?
o   What education do you need to obtain and be
successful in that job/career and how and when do you plan to obtain it?
o   What will you do while getting the education needed
to build contacts, networks, or other pathways to your target job?
o   Once hired:
§  Who will you seek out as your mentor(s)?
§  What key external professional/occupational/personal
networks will you need to build or join and maintain to be successful in this
§  What will you do to keep your skills up to date with
changing technologies (disruption) or other ways this job might/will change in
the future? The importance of lifelong learning is relevant here. Also,
consider upskilling, skilling, or re-skilling as your job may evolve.
§  What do you want to be doing in ten years?
§  What else do you need to achieve your ten-year
o   How will your job/career fit with your
personal/family life? Who else do you need to consider and consult in making
job/career decisions?
o   What will you do to find an employer(s) and work
environment that meets your expectations (workview is really important)?
o   Once employed, what will you do to improve the
employment conditions and opportunities that allow you and your fellow
employees to achieve their career goals?
o   Job/Internship description from Handshake: Go favorite job/internship search database and
perform a search that aligns with the occupation chosen in Component #2 and
provide the description.
o   Résumé:
Complete your résumé
o   Cover Letter:
Complete your cover letter
o   Elevator Pitch: Based on the guidelines discussed in class, you
will create an elevator pitch for the selected occupation from Component #2.
This paper should be 3- to 5-pages
in length, double-spaced, 11-point font and is worth 100 points (15% of your
final grade) and will be graded on the following criteria:
Meeting the assignment criteria and portray
critical thinking skills through writing
Please cite and provide an in-depth, specific
Presenting clear organization and appropriate
use of correct terminology from the text, lectures, and articles
Using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
Using proper quoting, paraphrasing, and
for Presentation
Record a 5-minute presentation of your future of work, which
is worth 100 points (5% of your final grade) and will be graded on the
following criteria:
Delivery of a coherent presentation that integrates evidence
from research sources
Clear organization and appropriate use of time
Identification of how your topic relates to the course
Conversational delivery that is jargon-free
Proper quoting, paraphrasing, and oral footnoting

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