First, view this video related to Privilege:
Second, go through the following list of questions related to the Privilege Walk you just viewed in the video and get your personal “score”. Your starting score is 45. You will add or deduct points based upon your answers to the 45 questions to obtain your personal score. Each “step” is a point, so instead of “stepping” back or forward you will deduct or add points to your starting score of 45.
There are no “right” or “wrong” answers to these questions.
(You are not required to post this score.)
Note: This can be difficult, and you may find yourself feeling uncomfortable, defensive, or even angry. You are encouraged to acknowledge those feelings to yourself and to continue with the exercise. This will help you discover more about privilege and the power that can come with it.
The Privilege Walk Discussion Questions.pdf
Third: Respond to these questions:
This activity was originally developed to force participants to confront the ways in which society privileges some individuals over others. It is designed to get participants to reflect on the different areas in their lives where they have privilege, as well as the areas where they don’t.
Identify some factors influencing your privilege that you have never thought of before and describe which one made you think the most. (5 points)
Discuss how your understanding of your privileges or marginalization improved your existing relationships with yourself and others in the workplace that you can apply in the hospitality workplace. (3 points)
Respond to 2 other posts. (2 points)