2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Follow the example of the file attached. 1 Original Poems o Write seven poems. (

August 13, 2024

Follow the example of the file attached.
1 Original Poems
o Write seven poems. (Single Spaced)
o Each poem should be carefully crafted, showcasing your growth and creativity as a poet.
2. Revised Poems
o Select seven of your previously written poems.
o Revise these poems, making significant improvements based on feedback and your own reflections on your writing.
3. Reflective Essay
o Write a one-page essay in double-spaced APA format.
o In this essay, reflect on the art of writing poetry.
o Discuss the process you went through when editing your poems, including challenges faced, insights gained, and how your approach to writing may have evolved.
Submission Guidelines
• Compile your 14 poems (seven original and seven revised) and the reflective essay into a single document.
• Ensure that each poem is clearly labeled as either an original or revised work.
• Proofread your work for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors.
• You can use poems written in class so long as work is at least ten lines.
• Please submit your completed portfolio by 8/15.
This portfolio is an opportunity to showcase your best work and reflect on your journey as a poet. Take the time to thoughtfully revise and perfect your poems, and provide meaningful insights in your reflective essay.
Good luck, and I look forward to reading your final portfolios!
1. Write a poem consisting of 5 couplets about an object that has a lot of nostalgic value for you. As a bonus challenge, try to write about this object without directly stating what it is in your poem.
2. Write a Prose Poem at least 150 Words. Find something dark and hidden inside your brain, your body, your heart. Shine a light on it. What do you see?
3. What do you see in the mirror? Write a “self-portraitLinks to an external site.” poem. Eight lines.
4. Write a poem in the form of a letter, addressed to a specific person.
5. Write a Free Verse poem of 16 lines. Smells are one of the most powerful triggers for memory. They also make for impactful imageryLinks to an external site.. Write a poem that begins with a smell. Let the smell waft into memory, then write from there.
6. Write a 16-line poem that uses all of these words: (Email me or ask for words)
7. Write a sonnet. Explain something to a younger version of yourself. How to survive heartbreak, solve differential equations, drive, avoid bad people, etc.
8. What’s something you’ve seen hundreds, even thousands of times, but has never lost its beauty? Write an odeLinks to an external site.to this thing’s beauty.
I have attached the example of the paper
also use the poem below as the 1st one
Change of Heart tackles the trend with double entendre and harp.
In the central are of the city full of lights, Where phenomena such as rivers, flow fast and slow,
Among the echoes there is heard, a harp’s sweet song, soft stories where several people come into possession of a heart.
Fashion is fleeting, fame fleeting as whelm, but here in this whirling dizziness is everything we know to prize.
However there does begin a voice, somewhere deep, Softly, singing Change of heart.
From local papers’ shouting headlines to murmurings in the corridors of power, compromise-formed trends that appear one day and disappear the other.
Strings vibrate in a harp, information delivers, A music of variation of heart.
Where tech is people’s talk, a world away, However, do we see the human heart?
A twit, status update, a moment fragment, However, the harp is a symbol of appealing to change the mind.
Thus, in communication glamor, art, we play our roles, everybody gets a role.
But internal notes we have, ignite, indeed, it is a masterpiece of rhythm expressing each heart’s note.
The latest thing that came up, the fleeting dart, but we stand and dance and sing our song We do it all
But always overshadowed and yet pervasive, deep and crystal clear, A harp’s song is change of heart.
In every trend the last start is, the harp’s refrain, however, does convey that.
A reminder, that was not so unfriendly, a manner reminder that essentially means the start afresh, Recalling true heart’s art that is a reminder and an ornament for the world.
When it comes to the conception of styles and visibility of cultures, sweetly sings the harp, and it does not tire,
It recalls us to it, to where we are, exhales back to us, to where we return, to listen before speaking, and to understand with the mind as well as with the heart.
Comments from Customer
Please, create 6 poems and revise them. The poems should be short.

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