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Develop a 6–8 minute oral presentation on your hot topic in psychology with 6–8

April 9, 2024

Develop a 6–8 minute oral presentation on your hot topic in psychology with 6–8 slides for visual support. Consider key points about your topic, its social significance, analysis of research, application to professional behavior, future directions, and questions and answers on your topic from your hypothetical audience. Step 1: Select a topic that you are interested in exploring further. Below is a list to help you in making that choice. Pick any of the sub-topics listed via bullet points under the main topics—which one do you want to learn more about?
Mind and Brain.
Cognitive bias.
Predictive brain.
Artificial intelligence.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
WEIRD samples.
Cross-cultural and cultural psychology.
Liberation psychology.
Technology and Media Psychology.
Violent behavior.
Identity construction online.
Step 2: Select one audience to design training materials for:
High school teachers-in-training.
Low-level employees in a specific workplace setting (specify what type of workplace).
Managers in a specific workplace setting (specify what type of workplace).
Step 3: Locate three peer-reviewed journal articles on your selected topic. Be sure that at least one article represents diversity, equity, and inclusion. To accomplish this goal, find at least one article that either comes from an international journal, uses a non-Western population, or represents clearly the experiences of an underrepresented group in the literature. Note: One article may be from our course readings, but the other two should be from outside of course readings.
This will be an oral presentation; you’ll want to record your presentation and support your words with a slideshow.
You may use PowerPoint to create this slideshow, or, if you wish, you may use other options. You are responsible for making your presentation work. Use the Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations library guide for more information about how to create a PowerPoint presentation.
Consider the following when creating the presentation:
Be sure to use the minimum number of words needed. It would be ideal to have no more than six bullet point entries on a slide and no more than 10 words per entry. You can always add more slides to cover any given topic.
Be sure to use typefaces that are easy to read.
Do not use more than two typefaces of different names (such as Helvetica or Times).
Do not use different typefaces that are similar in style. However, it is very helpful to use some appropriate contrasts of sizes and weights of type to focus the viewer’s attention on the most important content within each slide.
Consider using pictures and diagrams, in addition to words, to convey relevant information visually. However, minimize the use of decorative elements or effects that distract from meaning.
For any visual material within your presentation that you did not create yourself, cite the source.
For presentations in a professional context:
If you use pictures or diagrams that you did not create yourself, you must seek out, and abide by, applicable copyright restrictions. Use Google Search: Images as a resource for finding free images online.
If required by members of your audience, be prepared to make appropriate accommodations.
Use current APA style citations and list references in slides at the end of the presentation.
Length: 6–8 minutes audio with 6–8 slides for visual support.
Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Oral communication: Must be clearly spoken and paced.
Resources and citations: Use a minimum of three scholarly sources. One may be a course reading. One must represent diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Format according to current APA guidelines.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Evaluate the social significance of contemporary topics in psychology.
Describe key points about a contemporary topic in psychology.
Evaluate the social significance of the selected contemporary topic in psychology.
Competency 3: Analyze psychological theory and scholarly literature in history, systems, and contemporary topics.
Analyze scholarly literature on a contemporary topic in psychology with at least three scholarly sources.
Competency 4: Apply psychological theory and research to guide professional behavior.
Apply psychological research to professional behavior.
Competency 5: Articulate future directions on an individual, community, and global scale to promote positive change.
Articulate future directions on an individual, community, and global scale to guide social thinking and promote positive change.
Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Deliver presentation appropriate to the audience with clear, organized delivery, including answers to potential audience questions.
Use APA style formatting for citations and reference list with only minor errors.
Address assessment purpose in a well-organized oral presentation, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

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