View the two versions of the Psycho shower scene with and without music at the link below:
In a minimum of 300 words based on the Psycho film (link below), Page 185-192 of Chap. 8 below, the linked discussion elements below, your own research, which may also include web research, and the following criteria:
1) Describe the evolution of use of music in the shower scene.
2) Did Hitchcock want music in the scene?
3) Was music ultimately used in the scene?
4) Which of the elements of music and functions of music did the composer Bernard Herrmann employ in the shower scene music?
5) What soundscape elements did Herrmann use to create terror in the music for the shower scene?
6) How long did it take Hitchocock to shoot the shower music scene for which Herrmann wrote the music?
7) Approximately how long is the shower scene cue?
8) Do you think Hitchock and Herrmann made the right choice for the music in the shower scene, and why?
9) How does the scene differ between watching it with and without the music? Which version engages the viewer more or less?
10) Briefly describe the composer of this film score and any notable biographical information re the composer, as well as any relevant historical details surrounding the film and the score, including when it was released.
Cite your sources. Please manually proof-read your draft for continuity, style, flow, grammar, and spell and grammar check your work before submitting this essay.
If you need to review to the Psycho film you may view the film at the link below. (You may need to wait a minute for the file to load.) If possible, please try to watch on a bigger screen (not on a smart phone..).
Elements of Music and functions of music discussion, below.