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Critically reflect on the how your organization has adopted it’s marketing in re

May 17, 2024

Critically reflect on the how your organization has adopted it’s marketing in response to a change in the marketing environment (this could be recession, cost of living crisis, the pandemic, technological changes, geopolitics, or a major change that has impacted on your organization). Ensure you cover all aspects of the marketing mix in your analysis and make strategic marketing recommendations to take the organization forward. 
Deliverables: an individual report of 2000* words (excluding appendices and list of references) outlining:
1.Strategic insight: identify the key challenges/opportunities faced by your company as a change in the marketing environment (consider environmental analysis, trend analysis focused on your industry/sector and specific geography/market) 
2. Company Performance: Company/Organisation marketing activity (assessment of any aspects of the marketing mix as applied to an identified market segment including product, price, distribution or promotional activity plus people, process and physical evidence where appropriate. Draw on relevant information available on company websites, publicly available, media reports, market analysis, etc.)
3. Recommendations: Based on your analysis make strategic marketing recommendations to guide the company over the next 3-5 years. 
*Please note there is no 10% rule – the maximum word count is 2000 words 
This individual assignment requires you to look at your own organisation**. Any analysis of the marketing response should be specific to the region or country that your organisation operates in. There is no specified structure or template for your report. You will be required to collate, analyse and summarise relevant material in writing your assignment. Specific attention will be given to your research and the sources used which should include academic and practitioner material as part of your analysis.
Links to industry/market analysis:
Please note students are expected to conduct their own research and supplement these sources with additional relevant material. 
Important Note: 
The company is Air Liquide arabia located in Saudi Arabia – It is part of Air liquide group which is a french company. The assessment suppose to be only about Air liquide Arabia and not the group as whole. Having said that, Air Liquide Arabia is company has established an exclusive long-term contract with ARAMCO, the major oil company in Saudi Arabia, as well as a few other companies. Consequently, our focus is not on actively promoting our services, and therefore, we do not have a marketing department within our organization, only commercial and business development department> i have consulted the instructer regarding that and he gave me the below ideas: 
(the assignment  is about getting students to critically reflect on how their organisation has responded to a major external event through their marketing activity so I would ask you to think about   major challenges in the external environment of your business and how this impacts on your relationship with ARAMCO and other customers  – as the marketing mix involves much more than promotion.  What role might marketing play for your organisation in response to these external challenges and what is it you can offer these customers over the competitors? ) 
So I need someone who is expert in this area and able to conduct the analysis (and more importantly make up the information in way that meets the assignment expectations) 
Below: is the company website and a little breif about the company and its business: 
Air Liquide is an international company that operates a variety of businesses that range between large industrial, healthcare, merchant, and electronics. Air Liquide exists in seventy two countries with approximately sixty seven thousand employees across the globe. Air Liquide is considered as a world leader in industrial gasses where they operate under the concept of build own operate (Boo). Boo is a business model that allows Air Liquide to provide industrial gas solution to its customers under a long term contract that ensures satisfying the needs of the customers as well as securing stable income.
A major external challenge that faces the globe is global warming and how it affects the temperature of earth as before and after the industrial revolution. Air Liquide is an industrial gas company and by default it does contribute the global warming due to the major amount of Carbon Dioxide released into the atmosphere. As world leader and big market player in industrial gasses, Air Liquide has developed its technologies to be able to provide their customers with the required products as well as contributing to the sustainability of the environment. 
This external challenge has actually supported Air Liquide to market its vision as the vision of Air Liquide and Aramco do match when it comes to net zero emissions as they both target 2050. Air Liquide has used this opportunity and maximized its marketing by providing and offering additional solution to decarbonize their facilities as well as decarbonizing our facilities that do exist within the promises of Aramco.
Air Liquide has provided technologies and solutions that lead to achieving the targets and visions of our customers and that is a huge advantage that we offer to its customers. Having said that, the advantages and technologies offered are owned by Air Liquide and have already been tested and implemented in Europe.
Air Liquide provides a technology that is called carbon capture where the emission of carbon monoxide emitted due to the operation process is captured and then injected into a sink that is under the ground. By doing so Air Liquide is contributing to sustaining the temperature of the earth at the current level as no carbon monoxide is being emitted due to the industrial operation of Air Liquide. 
Air Liquide also provides other technologies such AutoThermal Reformer (ATR) and this technology is used to produce the same industrial gas products however it is with low Carbon monoxide emissions. By providing technologies and solutions that ensure lower carbon monoxide emission, Air Liquide is marketing its technologies to be in match with the global dates and targets to decarbonize and reduce the carbon emissions from the industrial sector.
I will attached the course material so you can have an idea about the topics covered in the class. 

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