2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Class discussion 5 Class Discussion 5 – Business Negotiation++ This class discus

July 17, 2024

Class discussion 5
Class Discussion 5 – Business Negotiation++
This class discussion has two submissions, Post A and Post B, related to the same topic.
Your initial post to the discussion forum (Post A) must be submitted between 12:01 AM Sunday and 11:59 PM Wednesday. Your follow-up post to the discussion forum (Post B) must be submitted between 12:01 AM Thursday and 11:59 PM Saturday. Please identify your submission as Post A or Post B in the subject line.
For class discussion posts to earn credit, they must be submitted within their designated time frame. The reason for this requirement is so that each person’s initial post is available for review before any follow-up posts are submitted. Submitting both posts within their designated time frame and more than 24 hours prior to their due date will earn a 10% bonus. All discussion post content (i.e., text and images) must be fully visible in the discussion forum. No files should need to be opened to see your post. This requirement allows your peers to peruse content more easily and reduces the likelihood of anyone accidentally accessing a harmful file.
Three criteria are used for grading purposes and a fourth criterion is used for bonus purposes. Details are provided in the associated grading rubric.
Post A
International business success does not rest exclusively on having a great product or pricing it well, etc. Culture has a significant impact on success, especially on the success of interaction and negotiation between business managers from different countries.
1. Go to the “AtoZ International Business” database. Under the “Global Business Culture” tab and “International Negotiating” link, review info on two webpages: (A.) “Negotiating Styles, Part 1: Major Personal Styles” and (B.) “Strategic and Tactical Guidelines by Country.” Note: If YOUR COUNTRY is not present in the AtoZ database, use info for a neighboring country. Identify the neighboring country.
2. Using the AtoZ database, identify two common negotiation strategies for trade used by typical business managers from the US. Include an image of the info from the AtoZ database. Concisely explain each of these two strategies in your own words.
3. Using the AtoZ database, identify two common negotiation strategies for trade used by typical business managers from YOUR COUNTRY. Include an image of the info from the AtoZ database. Concisely explain each of these two strategies in your own words.
4. Write a brief and fictitious story about an initial negotiation between two managers – a US manager from YOUR COMPANY and a manager from YOUR BUYER. Your story should illustrate what a US business manager can expect when s/he encounters a particular negotiation strategy. First, introduce the managers (i.e., name, country and companies), the business situation, and the negotiation strategy for trade that YOUR BUYER plans to use. The manager from YOUR COMPANY should be unprepared for this negotiation strategy and your story should illustrate what might happen. Your story should begin with “As the meeting began,” and finish with “The end.”
5. Discuss two ways in which the US manager’s lack of preparation might negatively impact business success.
Your State Nevada
Your country Sri Lanka
Class Discussion 4 – International Ad++
This class discussion has two submissions, Post A and Post B, related to the same topic.
Your State Nevada
Your country Sri Lanka
YOUR BUYER will be Finagle at A14-15, Industrial Estate, Ekala, Ja-ela, Sri Lanka
Your company (jam) is attached
All discussion post content (i.e., text and images) must be fully visible in the discussion forum. No files should need to be opened to see your post. This requirement allows your peers to peruse content more easily and reduces the likelihood of anyone accidentally accessing a harmful file.
Three criteria are used for grading purposes and a fourth criterion is used for bonus purposes. Details are provided in the associated grading rubric.
Post A
Advertising of different kinds is done all over the world and sometimes it can look very different than what we usually see here in the US. Some examples are below.
An interesting piece of promotional work by the US advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather for Salta brand beer in Argentina involved replacing rugby players’ missing teeth with implanted beer bottle openers. Weblink for that story is HERELinks to an external site.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo4NaKDpPXk
Promotional work for Dunkin’ Donuts by the French advertising agency Publicis Groupe used the World’s Fastest Flying Woman (#WTFast) to create greater awareness and buzz for their pre-ordering app. Weblink for that story is on the webpage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm75bEr_Fh0
HERELinks to an external site.
1. Visit websites with television commercials or social media videos for other countries. To complete this task, you can visit websites for specific global marketing/advertising agencies HERE, https://co.agencyspotter.com/50-largest-marketing-companies-in-the-world/
search for marketing/advertising agencies in YOUR COUNTRY, or use the website Ads of the World that collects international ads HERELinks https://www.adsoftheworld.com/campaigns
to an external site.. View some of the creative work or case studies (i.e., examples of their promo work they provide).
2. Find a television commercial or social media video that was directed to the people of YOUR COUNTRY (or a country close to YOUR COUNTRY). The commercial/video should be less than two years old. If it is for a branded product with which you are familiar that would be helpful, though it is not mandatory.
3. Identify YOUR COUNTRY and include the weblink to the television commercial or social media video you selected in your post.
4. Describe the commercial/video and discuss what promotional message you think the company is trying to convey to the people in YOUR COUNTRY. Discuss three ways in which you think it, or its promotional message, was customized to the culture of YOUR COUNTRY.

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