2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Assignment Type: Essay Assignment Description: Contemporary Topic Weighting: 50%

April 12, 2024

Assignment Type: Essay
Assignment Description: Contemporary Topic
Weighting: 50%
Team or Individual: Individual
Word count: 1750 words (plus or minus 10%). Use headings provided below.
Format:  MS Word documents only. No PDFs. No Table of contents.
Ensure appropriate use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander terminology as per SNM guidelines Download SNM guidelines.
Minimum 10 references, 10 years old or less, from a mixture of journal articles, books and credible websites (e.g. Australian Indigenous health info net). Your unit text is an edited book so reference the separate chapters that you use appropriately.
Do not reference unit lectures or tutorial activities for this assignment. Make sure your sources are credible. 
Format as per the SNM Assessment Guidelines (found on the undergraduate community site)  and ECU Referencing Guide.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
ULO 3,4,5
via Canvas > Turnitin   (Grades will appear in gradebook eventually but I want you to look at your feedback and grade in Turnitin so go to your inbox once the marking has been finalised)
All unit assessments are subject to a robust moderation process. Note that results are not final until they are released at the end of semester. 
Assessment Instructions
If you have any questions relating to this assessment task, please go to the discussion board and post your questions there.
Read the following news article: 2023.12.02 – Diabetes in Central Australia – The Australian.pdfDownload 2023.12.02 – Diabetes in Central Australia – The Australian.pdf
Pick some of the examples, statistics and issues/problems discussed in the article and use the concepts learned in this unit to explain the reasons behind those problems.
Frame your essay around key concepts in this unit (outlined in the study schedule on the last page and in the week 9 tutorial) such as:
Privilege/Equality/Access to health services/intersectionality
Unequal power / Enculturation
Colonisation/ Australian Historical events
Stereotyping /racism
Victim blaming 
Communication/health literacy
Cultural safety/ Cultural competence
Social Determinants of Health
Codes and Standards of Nursing and Midwifery practice
TIP: Remember that you need to demonstrate that you understand the concepts above, so start your paragraphs with a topic sentence that introduces the concept, then relate the concept to the news article in a way that shows you understand how the concept can be applied in ‘real life’. Discussion of at least three concepts in depth is expected as a minimum. You should be able to refer to several other concepts as well (the more the better). Linking the Access to medical services and strategies for culturally safe care to the case study video is another way to pick up some extra critical thinking marks.
Headings underlined must be used (sub-headings may be used of your choice):
Introduction (150 words): 
Brief overview of the news article and structure of the essay
Concepts that relate to the case study (600 words)
Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts by applying at least 3 to the news article. Avoid “Cultural safety” or “Access”  in this section as you should be talking about these concepts in the following two sections.
Access to health services.
Include the main differences between Aboriginal medical health services (describe what these are and what services they provide) and mainstream services as well as other potential issues that may impact on the communities access to health services and improve issues/problems identified in the news article (400 words)
Strategies to manage health issues in a culturally safe way (500 words)
Demonstrate your understanding of ‘cultural safety’ (define and describe the concept) and focus on practical strategies to make mainstream services, such as those described in the article, more culturally safe.
Conclusion (100 words) 
Recommendations and summary of key points
Assignment Criteria/Rubric
The rubrics for assignment 1 and 2 are based on the standard school rubric with a few minor changes. Please make sure you review the rubric whilst preparing your assignments. Rubric adjustments: Content 45 (15 for Access, 15 for concepts, 15 for strategies). Critical thinking (20 marks – links to the case study) Structure/pres (15 – 5 intro, 5 conclusion, 5 formatting and paragraph structure) Ref (10) ELP (10)

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