2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


As potential entrepreneurs and business and marketing-minded students, it is imp

July 8, 2024

As potential entrepreneurs and business and marketing-minded students, it is important to stay up-to-date with the news in the business world. For this week, I would like you all to go to business focused news outlets (Bloomberg, Forbes, WSJ’s Business Section, the NYT’s Business Section, and others) and summarize an article that is no older than one week old. The articles should be focused solely on the business world.
Your post should be between 150 to 250 words.
When responding to your peers, comment on the news article and give your opinion, or say how this may affect the industry, workers, or the economy as a whole. 
Don’t forget, you are supposed to respond to three of your peer’s posts with no less then 100 words for full credit.
The deadline for every discussion assignment every week is Wednesday at 11:59 PM. 
*I give bonus points for thoughtful responses at the end of the semester.
Classmate 1 
Annastassia Riter
I’ve been gravitating to Samsung’s products for close to two ears now and when I saw an article about Samsung, I thought I should choose it. Wall Street Journal’s Kwanwoo Jun covers “Samsung Electronics Expects Surge in Second-Quarter Operating Profit”.
The article covers Samsungs supposed 15-fold earnings amidst the “higher prices and brisk demand for powerful computing chips” due to “artificial-intelligence boom”. I cannot say I am surprised considering only a week or two ago news by various social media content creator’s that track the stock market and company investments came out to report a surge of companies investing in Al which is can also be read about in an article on the WSJ. Samsung lagging behind “in advancing high-bandwidth-memory products, a crucial component for Al and other powerful computing devices” has not given up in the fight against Hynix, hoping to be the top supplier to Nvidia. Samsung’s desire to replace Hynix HBM and HBM3E chips at Nvidia is so great that it, “has bolstered its HBM research and development since it replaced its semiconductor business chief in May.” Samsung is taking internal measure to work their way up in the fast growing and highly competitive Al industry.
Classmate 2 
Mayan Gilharry
The current CEO of JPmorgan & chase Marianne
Lake states that if Washington makes new rules a lot of customers are going to have to start paying for services at chase bank that were always free to their customers. Though the article never states what type of rules congress will have to pass in order for Chase to start charging customers more for their services they do talk about Washington making new financial regulations. The article also states that if Donald trump doesn’t get the title of president that most likely these new rules can come into effect. It can be predicted that these rules have to correlate with the amount of income the average citizen will be able to make. Marianna states “The people who will be most impacted are the ones who can least afford to be, and access to credit will be harder to get.” From my perspective this is making chase a bank that is only for people in middle to higher class due to them having enough income to afford paying minuscule fees and extra for services that were once free.
Recently as of late banks have been trying to stop giving out their services to low income areas. While the article never explains why it can be guessed that because the low income areas don’t create enough revenues for the banks, the banks don’t see these areas as being useful to them.
Classmate 3 
I chose this article in particular because I work in Banking and I can not stress enough how important FDIC Insured products are.
Unfortunately for this Fintech bank Synapse it seems as if these customers won’t be able to receive the funds that they lost. The poor infuencer who invested her money into Synapse Bank can possibly lose 200k. It is still up in the air if they will receive their money back. Fintech banking is fairly new. It is not as trustworthy as regular banking institutions that been around for 100 years or more. Although I do see Banking going digital within the next decade or so. I personally would not invest my money into Fintech Banks just yet. I also think its important to read the FDIC insurance breakdown. Go to FDIC yourself and understand what is protected and what is not. I also have learned to never plan all your eggs in one basket. From this article I have learned that there are certain loopholes within the insurance. Unfortunately, It seems alot of customer will lose their funds.
Is Your Money
Really Safe
In An ‘FDIC-
Fintech Account?
As demonstrated by the Synapse bankruptcy,
FDIC insurance won’t necessarily protect customers if a fintech implodes. Here’s what you need to know.
Emily Mason

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