2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Please look at the dates (this is the second part:  this has to be done by (sund

May 21, 2024

Please look at the dates
(this is the second part:  this has to be done by (sunday may 26 2024)   You are the sales department manager for a U.S.-based company that builds engines for the automotive manufacturing industry. Your company is considering diversifying into other business opportunities where your motors can be sold in order to bolster the company’s portfolio and increase revenue. Based on your knowledge of the national sales landscape, your manager would like you to conduct preliminary research and prepare a presentation with your recommendation for opportunity in a chosen industry that will allow for this diversification through a new sales division and increased sales. You have been asked to make your presentation at the next stakeholder meeting, where you will address internal stakeholders from across the company as well as external stakeholders such as customers, investors, and suppliers.
As a preliminary step in developing this presentation, your manager would like to see an executive summary of your research findings and evaluate your decision modeling.
Complete the Project One Worksheet in your Soomo webtext and submit it for instructor feedback.
Part 1: Define
You will first conduct research on the U.S.-based automotive manufacturing industry using the Shapiro Library database links provided in the supporting materials section below. Then, prepare an analysis report that addresses the following:
Define the problem.
Explain the type of qualitative and quantitative data you will be targeting in your research.
Provide a broad description of the U.S. automotive manufacturing industry and its value. Include:
Total value of the industry
Sales by region
Sales by fuel type: electric, hybrid, and gas
Describe the current trends in the automotive market.
The trend toward different types of motors for the vehicles being made and sold, such as electric and hybrid
Trends in customer demands such as vehicle color, extra features, and styles
Trends in the body types of vehicles sold (SUVs, trucks, sedans)
Part 2: Research
In Module One, you chose an industry that you think would provide opportunity for your company. Now, using industry-specific and scholarly resources to inform your decision, prepare an industry analysis report that includes the following:
Provide a broad description of the chosen industry.
Describe the overall attractiveness of the industry.
Is this a growing industry?
Is this an industry that has a lot of growth potential?
What outside factors are affecting its growth?
Identify the factors that have allowed competitors to be successful in this industry thus far.
Summarize the overall value of the industry.
How is the industry currently trending?
Summarize the sales. Speculate if sales vary based on the region of the country. (For example, there would be very few snow plow sales in the southern United States, if any at all.)
Define expected growth areas.
Describe the current market trends for the chosen industry.
What products or services are trending?
What are some current customer demands?
Perform a Porter’s Five Forces analysis to determine the potential success of moving into this chosen industry.
Explain your rationale.
Part 3: Compare
Compare the two industries and summarize your findings.
Perform a Porter’s Five Forces analysis to compare the two industries.
Summarize how your findings address the problem.
What to Submit
To complete this project, submit an executive summary report of 3 to 4 pages using the provided templates, or the document you downloaded from Soomo. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 
(this is the first:)has to be done by Thursday may 23 2024
Data visualization methods offer a different landscape for explaining situations using data. Graphical representations of information, if created properly, can make vital information more intuitive, contextualized, and accessible. Visualization plays an essential part in analyzing big data and simplifying complex data-intensive scenarios.
In this discussion, using the Viz of the Day webpage, select a business-focused visualization to debate in your post (you may have to toggle to more than one page to see business-specific visualizations). Consider the audience and purpose of the visualization you selected, and think about the strategy used to present the information and analysis visually. In your initial post, make sure to include the link to the visualization you selected, and address the following:
Why have you selected this one?
How does the author of the visualization address the audience?
How is the purpose of the visualization conveyed?
How does the visualization use color, ordering, layout, and hierarchy to prioritize information?
In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:
Can you describe ways in which data visualizations make information more accessible to their audience? What would you recommend to make key insights in visualizations more digestible to your audience? What would you avoid?
(part three):
1 .Describe why your company needs to diversify. What problem will diversifying the company solve? What kinds of quantitative and qualitative data will you target in your research on the current auto industry and the new industry?
2.Using information from your research, provide a broad description of the U.S. automotive industry. Be sure to include information related to each item listed above.
3.Using data from your research, write your description of the current market trends in the automotive industry. Be sure to include information related to each item listed above. 
4. List your research sources using APA Style. When you download your project as a Word document, your references will automatically be formatted with double-spacing and a hanging indent.

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