Part I:
Episode 1: La Clave /
What is Matanzas historically known for/ centre of?
When was Rumba born? And what has it largely been associated with? (think of social class etc.)
Name one Conga player who introduced rumba rhythm to US jazz ensembles.
Episode 2—The Drum /
How does Adonis Panter Calderon approach the drum?
Name one drum that makes-up the rhythmic grove of the Rumba (other than the clave).
When drums were banned during the colonial era, what did enslaved people use to drum?
Episode 3—The Sacred & The Profane /
How does Sacred drum maker Juan Benkomo approach the Ifa drum? And what are some of the elements that make up its life?
How does the sacred drum relate / speak to the Divine during a Santeria ritual? (think about pitches, sounds etc.)
Episode 4 —The Voice /
What does Rumbero Amada Dedeu’s interesting theory about the fare reaching influence of rumba consist of?
What is the story of origins of melismatic and syllabic singing found in the Americas that the narrator advances?
What are some of the themes that Rumberos and Rumberas sing about?
Episode 5—The Dance /
What are two cultural and social elements/issues that Rumba Yambu and Columbia dancers relate to / express?
Episode 6 —The Future /
What is the ideal context where one could witness / find the ‘spirit of Rumba’ according to singer – Rumbera, Dayme Arocena?
Part II:
What are a few changes / developments that Rumba has undertaken? Name two. (think of style, structure, context, meaning, etc.)
What are some ways in which Cubans relate Rumba to Cuban-ness and Cuban nationalism?
As non-Cubans, Charlie Inman (director) and Crispin Robinson (ethnomusicologist) were heavily involved in making the documentary series. How do you evaluate their involvement, and how do you think they might relate to the producer’s [Havana Club] vision and mission of “[promoting Cuban creativity in all its forms”? (for more information about the producer, please check the YouTube channel descriiption / about section.
Share your favorite quote from the documentary series.
PS.: Please read attached document for deeper understanding