2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


 Use a word-processing program, preferably Microsoft Word, to complete the exam

 Use a word-processing program, preferably Microsoft Word, to complete the
 At the top of every page, include your name and student number.
 Be sure to save your work. If you don’t have access to Microsoft Word, you must
properly format your document by clicking Save As, naming it using the student
number_exam number format (for example, 12345678_007175), and choosing File
Type: Rich Text Format. This exam must be uploaded as a .doc or .rtf file to be graded
To submit your graded project, proceed to the Lesson Assignment page in the course. Follow the
instructions provided to upload the file and submit it for grading.
Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!
After your assignment has been graded, feedback will be available on the Lesson Assignment
page within the course. It will have an option to download the feedback from the instructor.
For this exam, you’ll write three business communications: an interoffice memorandum, an email
to the payroll office, and a business letter. You should submit all three in one Microsoft Word
document. The Grading Criteria section below makes a good checklist for the expectations for
each part of this assignment in terms of content and format.
Phoenix Advertising, with its main headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, serves clients that
include banks, insurance companies and local businesses such as restaurants and shops. You’re
the vice president of human resources management at Phoenix, and you report directly to
Gregory S. Forest, the president of the company.
Mr. Forest advises you that in the last month, four clients have complained about the advertising
work produced by the Roanoke, Virginia, branch of the agency. He reminds you that the
Roanoke branch and its clients are vital to the overall success of the company.
Mr. Forest explains what he has learned about the situation at the Roanoke branch over the last
three months. Three graphic designers and four copywriters have threatened to quit because their
creative contributions on projects are being rejected or revised without their input. They want to
be part of a collaborative team, not to simply produce work that the art directors and account
executives can alter arbitrarily. These changes to projects have also caused tension between the
creative teams and account managers, causing an art director and an account manager to leave
the agency.
In addition to the four clients who complained, others haven’t renewed their contracts with
Roanoke. Several have posted poor reviews of the Roanoke branch on social media sites, leading
to a drop in profits.
In an attempt to increase revenues, the branch is accepting new clients without evaluating the
effects of the new accounts on the current project workload. As a result, without notice or
compensation for the additional hours, all salaried employees are required to work long hours
several days each week. Employee morale and productivity are declining day by day.
Part 1: Interoffice Memorandum to Executive Team
Write an interoffice memo to the executive team of Phoenix Advertising
 Use the ABC method of development
 In one paragraph, summarize the situation at the Roanoke branch
 Explain how the situation affects Phoenix Advertising as a company and why it demands
immediate attention.
 In a separate paragraph, assign each member of the team a different fact-finding task.
 Give the executives instructions for reporting back to you (memo, email, report, and so
on) and a deadline.
 Conclude your email with an appropriate final line or two, thanking them for their
cooperation in this matter.
 Copy the president
Part 2: Email to Payroll Office at Roanoke Branch
Write an email to the person in charge of payroll at the Roanoke branch of Phoenix Advertising.
If necessary, brainstorm further about your department, your staff, and the agency’s policies
about overtime.
 Invent email addresses for yourself and another person in your department. Use the
company name as the “host” rather than general commercial providers like AOL or
Yahoo. Include all necessary components such as the @ symbol.
 Using the ABC method, draft an email of three to four paragraphs.
 Briefly acknowledge that you are aware of the problems at the Roanoke branch.
 Assign the staff person in charge of payroll to provide you with payroll statements from
the Roanoke branch for the last 12 months.
 Include a request for a summary of the agency policies and the branch policies regarding
overtime and compensation/benefits packages.
 Explain clearly what you need that person to do, the date you need the information, and
how you want the person to convey the information to you.
 Be sure you follow the format of the sample email, using the new content you’ve written
for the assignment. Use a specific subject line formatted in title case. Do not use an email
app for this part of the exam.
Part 3: Letter to Phoenix Advertising’s Social Media
Write a business letter to the social media director of Phoenix advertising. If necessary,
brainstorm further. Draw on your own experience reading reviews and other online content.
 Create Phoenix Advertising letterhead.
 Use proper business letter format including an attention line, a salutation, three to four
paragraphs using the ABC method, and a signature block. Use a script font to emulate a
 Acknowledge the importance of the social media team’s work for the company
 Briefly summarize the areas of concern at Roanoke that Mr. Forest has brought to your
 Explain that you’ve read the clients’ comments online, and create 2-3 examples of critical
or negative postings.
 Ask the social media director to research these and any other posts, and to come up with a
plan to respond and to rehabilitate the Roanoke branch’s reputation in the business
 Give the director instructions for reporting back to you (memo, email, report, and so on)

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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