2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Your responses should be approximately 350–500 words for each question. You will

June 30, 2024

Your responses should be
approximately 350–500 words for each question. You will be graded on your
ability to present the necessary information clearly and succinctly, not on
word count
Resources: The textbook is the
only resource required for referring to theories and concepts in your answers.
When referring to the textbook, use your own words (paraphrase) as much as
possible, and cite your source via in-text citations. Include a References list
at the end of your assignment document. If you use any other
resources in the assignment, include these in your reference list and cite in
the text as required. Use APA Style (7th ed.) for citations and
references. Do NOT begin each paragraph with your citation. Use APA Style to
format your citations.
To prepare your assignment
document, copy the questions into a Word document and insert your responses
directly below each question. Format your answer document with one-inch margins
and use 12-point Times Roman font. Please double-space all questions and
Writing: Use clear, direct, structurally sound paragraphs and
sentences in your responses. A well-structured paragraph contains an
introductory (topic) sentence, supporting details in a few well-written
sentences, and a closing sentence. Use a new paragraph whenever you introduce a
new topic. Do not include diagrams, figures, bullets, or lists in your
responses. Do not include appendices.
1.       You have been asked to assist the CEO in
hiring the most suitable employees for current job openings in (a) sales, (b)
employee assistance and peer support, (c) product development (creating
new and innovative products), and (d) project management (managing projects to keep
them on time and within budget).
Identify and explain
the personality theory you will use, and apply the concepts from this theory to
identify the characteristics of an ideal candidate for each of the four jobs.
2.       You are leading your company’s diversity
and inclusion initiative. Discuss some of the challenges to ensuring a diverse
and inclusive workplace. How will you overcome these challenges to ensure that
your diversity and inclusion efforts are meaningful?
3.       How would you help someone who was experiencing
stress at work? Briefly discuss what might be causing stress at work and
provide ideas on how to manage such stress. Provide examples.
4.       Discuss the role of emotional intelligence
in the workplace.
5.     You currently work
for a medium-sized Canadian government department. Your manager, Christina
(they/them) has just asked you to work on increasing employee motivation in
your work group. They want you to identify and provide a motivational
theory and the approach that you would present to your work group.
6.       You work on a team
of creative people who collaborate to design and deliver unique products to the
consumer market. Your manager offered a bonus to each team member who offered a
creative idea that made it to market. The incentive failed miserably — the team
actually became less productive. Identify
the reward system used and explain why it didn’t work. What kind of reward
system would be more effective? Explain why this reward system will be more
7.       Your
new, very skilled manager has spent most of her career in command-and-control
type organizations. Your organization depends on creativity and creative
employees. The manager has asked you for some ideas that will help her be
successful in this environment. What will you tell her about creating an
environment that fosters creativity?
8.       Your organization
has decided to move to remote work permanently. As a team leader, how will you
ensure the success of your virtual team? Identify two specific challenges your
team may face and two strategies you will implement to address these
9. After making the move to working virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic,
your diverse team does not seem to be functioning as well as it did when you
were all in the office. You believe that this is related to failures in
communication. How will you improve communication within your team?
10.    Read Global Connections
11.2: Open Office, Hidden Conflict in your textbook (Chapter 11). You lead a
team that works in a similar open office. Recently, two staff members each came
to you with complaints about the other. One worker feels their co-worker is too
noisy, while the other states that her co-worker does not respect her privacy
and listens to all her phone calls. What will you do to resolve this workplace conflict?
11.       Your textbook suggests that extraversion is
predictive of leadership success (see Chapters 1 and 12). Do you agree? Why or
why not? Can you give an example of an introverted leader who has been
successful? What might an introverted person contribute to the leadership role?
12.       You recognize that you
prefer to work at an organization that has an adaptive culture. You are
currently looking for a new job. How will you determine whether the company you
are interviewing with has an adaptive culture?

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