Your final assignment will be a 750-word reflective essay, making an argument about your work this term.
In The Plague (1947), Albert Camus called the plague “the same thing over and over again.” When reflecting upon your work this term, in some ways it represents this kind of repetition. You completed assignments and postings, developing and strengthening your writing, reading, and critical thinking skills. Each assignment, however, has been different, introducing new skills, texts, and ideas. The texts we read also shared common themes, and yet each presented new concepts.
How has your work this term been both the same thing and something entirely different?
Your 750-word essay will analyze examples to support your argument, including quotations from the assignments you completed and the feedback you received throughout the term. You can use I.
Some questions to consider include:
How your communication skills have improved this term? How have your assignments demonstrated different forms of communication (written, oral, visual, electronic, and nonverbal)? How have these forms of communication overlapped in your assignments, and to what effect?
What did you learn about yourself as a writer and critical thinker?
What ideas from the course texts do you want to take with you?
Please submit your essay on Canvas as a Word document.
Include a list of works cited for any texts you consult. You do not need to list your assignments for the course.
Modeled on
Your essay will be assessed using the following criteria:
Exceptional. A thought-provoking essay, clearly written and carefully argued, demonstrating creativity.
The essay supports a focused thesis, considering its implications.
Quotations are analyzed and incorporated effectively, functioning as parts of sentences.
Topic sentences support the thesis and state what each paragraph argues.
The essay demonstrates creativity, approaching the topic in a new way, carefully reading texts and interpreting evidence.
Sentences throughout demonstrate skillful, engaging use of language.
The essay’s title draws in readers, introducing them to its argument.
The conclusion draws the argument to a close, makes a connection to a new context, and suggests directions for future research.
The essay demonstrates awareness of its own limitations or implications, and it considers multiple perspectives when appropriate.
Images (when relevant) are effectively incorporated, interpreted, and cited.
The essay demonstrates correct use of grammar, punctuation, and MLA style.
Strong. Essay contains a thesis, supported by analysis of quotations and examples.
The implications of the thesis could be considered further.
The organization of ideas could be stronger.
Quotations could be analyzed further.
Conclusion could consider further future directions for research.
Topic sentences could more effectively address what each paragraph argues.
Essay could demonstrate further revision and proofreading, including demonstration of MLA style.
Satisfactory. The essay is reasonably focused, and explanations or analysis are mostly based on examples or other evidence. Fewer connections are made between ideas, and though new insights are offered, they are not fully developed. The essay reflects moderate engagement with the topic. It contains errors in use of grammar, punctuation, or MLA style.
Underdeveloped. The essay is mostly description or summary, without consideration of alternative perspectives, and few connections are made between ideas. The essay reflects passing engagement with the topic. It contains many errors in use of grammar, punctuation, or MLA style.
Limited. The essay is unfocused, or simply rehashes previous comments, and displays no evidence of student engagement with the topic.
No Credit. The essay is missing or consists of disconnected sentences. It demonstrates plagiarism: presenting others’ ideas as your own, pasting content from sources (including websites), or drawing on such content without citing it.
Adapted from
Your final assignment will be a 750-word reflective essay, making an argument ab
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What do you need to get started on my paper?
* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.
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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.
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