2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


You will submit each of the following into the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox: A Powe

May 14, 2024

You will submit each of the following into the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox:
A PowerPoint presentation with at least 10-12 slides, not including the title and reference slides.
A narrated Kaltura video presentation of your PowerPoint, recording yourself and your content simultaneously.
Your PowerPoint should include the following elements:
Title slide: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
Content slides: Answer all the questions, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights.
The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice.
Presentations are visual; therefore, use clear, concise bullet points and avoid crowded slides. You may include the use of graphics and SmartArt to streamline information in a memorable manner. Additionally, images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools, but be sure to include all required citations. Please review the Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations resource for tips and suggestions. Submissions must be in .pptx format and no larger than 40 MB.
Note: Visual effects and some dark-colored themes, such as Slate, may prevent Turnitin from fully processing a PowerPoint file and, consequently, from generating a Similarity Report. Review the file requirements to ensure a report will be generated.
Reference slide: Sources listed in current APA format.
Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions.
Use Arial or Times New Roman 24-point font.
Use current APA formatting and citation style.
Please use this helpful video resource, APA Style Formatting in PowerPoint, to format a PowerPoint by applying current APA style to a title slide; body slides using bullet points, figures, tables, and copyright statements; and a reference list with hanging indentations.
Your Video Recording
The video recording should be in Standard English and communicate clear and logical information to the audience. Please aim to keep your video file between 6-10 minutes. You may use the Kaltura tool to create your video presentation, recording yourself and your content simultaneously. Please follow the instructions to use Kaltura Capture.
Your video recording should consist of you narrating and sharing your screen of your presentation. Your narration should share key ideas expanding on the bullet points located in your presentation.
Draw from the course material and briefly elaborate on the concepts covered.
Be sure to convey a professional tone throughout your audio that can easily be understood.
Use clear enunciations and minimize any background noises or interference.
Your video should also include professional insights, displaying proper word choice, oral expressiveness, and exceptional content, organization, and style, leading your audience to a dynamic and supported conclusion.
The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified.
The recording should not be read, though you can write it down and practice it and/or use key information from the summary file to guide your recording. Additionally, please use the Speaking Effectively and the Professional Video Presentation Tips resources for help with preparing for your presentation.
NOTE: Record your video following the directions given for Kaltura Capture.
Please refer to the “Kaltura Help Resources for Students” section found under the “Help” menu in the top navigation of your course. This section provides helpful guides and videos to prepare you for using the tool. Refer to the Student User Guide for information on accessing and recording in Kaltura. You can also refer to the videos for help with recording or uploading your assignment.
Add captions to your video. Follow the instructions for “Captions and Transcripts” located within the Student User Guide. Once you enable the caption feature and the processing is finished, closed captioning will display within the video. The transcript will automatically display below the video. Adding captions and the transcript increases the accessibility of Kaltura videos in the classroom to accommodate anyone who is hearing or visually impaired.
Submitting your Video and PowerPoint Presentation
Save your files in a location and with a name that you will remember.
By the end of the unit, submit the PowerPoint to the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox via the “Add a File” button.
Submit your Kaltura video via the textbox by selecting “Insert Stuff” and then choosing “Insert Kaltura.”
PS525-4: Synthesize diagnostic impressions for use in guiding therapeutic interventions.
This week you will create a case presentation that will review and summarize a case study, providing a recommended DSM-5-TR diagnosis and treatment approach. This will include both a PowerPoint deck and a 6 to 10 minute case presentation using Kaltura. You will need to split your presentation into two parts and upload each separately. Use your discretion to decide where to split your presentation. Please refer to the Student User Guide in the “Kaltura Help Resources for Students” section found under the “Help” menu in the top navigation of your course. You will focus on the application of clinical symptoms to form a diagnosis for the hypothetical client. Moreover, you will add a synthesis of diagnosis and evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Case Study
Rohan is a 48-year-old male from India. He is currently married and has one child. Rohan has arrived at the outpatient treatment center where you work and provide clinical assessments and recommendations for treatment approaches. Rohan begins by telling you that he has been drinking heavily over the past 12 months. He states that he has tried to stop multiple times but has not been successful, despite his wife and other family members pleading with him to stop as well. Rohan has also experienced some difficulty with his liver, as indicated in the medical report that he shares from his specialist. He is concerned that he has damaged his liver from drinking heavily, but also shares that he still cannot stop or slow down his drinking. When asked, Rohan shares that he drinks because “I just want to forget.” When you ask for clarification, Rohan shares that he has not been able to stop thinking about what happened to him as a child. He confides in you that he was physically abused as a child by his stepfather, to the extent that he had to be removed from the home. The abuse continued from ages 4 through 6, until a teacher in his school reported signs of abuse to regional authorities. Rohan indicates that he often has nightmares about the abuse and that for an unknown reason, the nightmares have increased over the past year, to the extent that he has been having difficulty sleeping. During the day, Rohan states, he has been having flashbacks of the abuse, which leads to him wanting to drink in order to feel less emotionally impacted. He reports being constantly on edge and frequently angry as well. Concentrating at work and completing daily tasks have become “nearly impossible,” according to Rohan. He has lost interest in doing things that he used to enjoy, to the point that he feels more comfortable and safe just staying at home and closing the door to his office.
Part 1:
Create a case presentation on the case, incorporating the following components:
Patient Background
Reason for consultation/admission
Chief complaints – what made patients to seek medical attention
Case Discussion / Medical History
History of present illness – circumstances relating to chief complaints
Mental Status Examination
Appearance and Behavior
Speech Form and Content
Mood and Affect
Form of Thought
Content of Thought
Sensorium and Cognition
Insight & Judgment
Risk Assessment
Past medical and surgical history (if known)
Current medications
Family history
Social history
Physical examination
Laboratory results
Other investigations (imaging, biopsy etc.)
Case Summary and Diagnostic Impression
Summary of Case
Identified DSM-5-TRdiagnosis(es), including severity of the symptoms
Explain why the client’s symptoms are a match for the diagnosis or diagnoses that you have provided
Explain how your rationale aligns with the diagnostic symptoms included in the DSM-5-TR
Evidence-Based Treatment Recommendation
Using at least two peer-reviewed journal articles, propose at least one evidence-based treatment approach(es) that can be used with the client in the case
Rationale for how the symptoms and disorder would benefit from identified treatment
Discuss any limitations to the treatment approach recommended
Part 2:
Recorded 2-part Video Presentation using Kaltura (6 to 10 minutes)
Create a video presentation of your case that uses the presentation created from Part I and focuses on the following elements
Patient Background (1 to 2 minutes)
Case Discussion/History (1 to 2 minutes)
Case Summary and Diagnostic Impression focusing on what the diagnosis is, how the symptoms support diagnosis and how the symptoms align with the DSM-5-TR criteria (2 to 3 minutes)
Evidence-Based Treatment Recommendation focusing on identification of the treatment approach, why the approach will work for the symptoms and disorder, and known limitations (2 to 3 minutes)

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Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

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