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You should respond to at least to your peer by extending, refuting/correcting, o

May 18, 2024

You should respond to at least to your peer by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
Peer post below: References MUST be scholarly published in the last 5 years!
Throughout this week materials, this writer was able to learn more about qualitative research and its methodologies. Qualitative research is a method of research study used to gather a deep understanding of human behavior, emotions, experiences, and beliefs (Spinuzzi, 2023). In addition, qualitative research focuses on exploring subjective aspects of a phenomenon, such as attitudes, opinions, motivations, and perceptions (Cuesta-Benjumea, 2024). For this week’s discussion, two types of qualitative research methodologies caught this writer’s attention. They will be described below.
Firstly, the methodology of case study in qualitative research. The case study methodology involves conducting a detailed investigation of a single individual, group, event, or organization to understand and explore complex phenomena within its real-life context (Baker & Chenery-Morris, 2020). Case studies are often used to provide a detailed and holistic analysis of a specific case, allowing researchers to gain insights into the subject being studied ( Lune & Berg, 2017).
The infrastructure of the case study methodology includes designing the framework and the processes involved in conducting a detailed investigation of a particular case or multiple cases. Also, the research design will outline the plan for conducting the case study, including the research questions, objectives, case selection criteria, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. It provides a roadmap for how the study will be conducted and what information will be gathered (Spinuzzi, 2023).
In the case study methodology in qualitative research, data is collected and analyzed using a variety of methods to gain a deep understanding of the case under study. It typically involves multiple sources of data and researchers may use both primary and secondary data sources to triangulate information and validate finding (Lune & Berg, 2017).  Data collection may be done by interviews, observations, documents, and artifacts. These data collection methods help researchers gather rich and detailed information to analyze and interpret the results (Spinuzzi, 2023).
The data analysis in the case study from a qualitative research may be done by using qualitative analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis, content analysis, or narrative analysis. These techniques help researchers identify patterns, themes, and relationships within the data (Spinuzzi, 2023). Examples include thematic analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, cross-case analysis, and member-checking analysis (Baker & Chenery-Morris, 2020).
An interesting observation is that by combining multiple types of data collection methods and employing various data analysis techniques, can aid researchers in generating rich and solid results from case studies in qualitative research. The iterative process of data collection and analysis allows researchers to explore complex phenomena, uncover hidden meanings, and develop comprehensive understandings of the case under study (Cuesta-Benjumea, 2024).
Another methodology in qualitative research that caught this writer’s attention is the focus group methodology. The focus group methodology involves gathering a small group of individuals together to discuss a specific topic or research question in a structured and interactive setting (Spinuzzi, 2023). Focus groups are used to reveal detailed information, perspectives, and experiences from participants through group discussion and interaction and the main purpose of the focus group is to explore and understand participants’ attitudes, beliefs, experiences, and opinions on a particular topic (Lune & Berg, 2017).
The infrastructure of the focus group methodology in qualitative research includes several components that work together to facilitate the successful planning, execution, and analysis of focus group sessions (Baker & Chenery-Morris, 2020). The infrastructure begins with the research design then it moves to the research topic and sampling strategies. The next stage is the selection of the venue and the logistics following by the training of the facilitators that will be included in the study. By establishing a robust infrastructure for the focus group methodology in qualitative research, researchers can effectively plan, conduct, and analyze focus group sessions to generate valuable insights and contribute to the body of knowledge in their field (Cuesta-Benjumea, 2024).
The data collection in the focus group is done through a systematic process to extract meaningful insights and themes from the discussions. First, the data is recorded and/or noted by the researchers. Then, the information is transcribed to create a written record of the discussion. Transcripts serve as the primary data source for analysis (Spinuzzi, 2023).
Once data is already collected, the researchers may analyze focus group data by coding the transcripts to identify recurring themes, patterns, and concepts in the participants’ responses. Thematic coding involves assigning labels or codes to segments of text that represent key ideas or categories emerging from the data. It is helpful when the researchers immerse themselves in the data by reading and re-reading the transcripts to gain familiarity with the content, identify meaningful units of analysis, and develop a deeper understanding of participants’ perspectives. Data immersion helps researchers uncover hidden insights and connections within the data (Cuesta-Benjumea, 2024).
In addition, researchers apply codes to the data based on the coding framework, segmenting the text into meaningful units, and categorizing responses into thematic clusters. Through iterative coding and categorization, researchers identify patterns, relationships, and variations in the data. The researchers may report the findings through narrative descriptions, quotes, and illustrative examples to convey the richness and depth of the data analysis. By following a structured and rigorous approach to data collection and analysis, researchers can uncover valuable insights and contribute to the understanding of complex research topics within the context of focus group discussions (Baker & Chenery-Morris, 2020).
Baker, B., & Chenery-Morris, S. (2020). Understanding Research: 8. Methods of data collection in qualitative methodologies: observation, interviews and focus groups. The Practising Midwife, 23(11). https://doi.org/10.55975/mnrq8297Links to an external site.
Cuesta-Benjumea, C. de la. (2024). Assessing and Achieving Quality in Qualitative Research: Clues for Researchers in Training. Rua.ua.es, 42(1). 02. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n1e02Links to an external site.
Lune, H., & Berg, B. L. (2017). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (9th ed., pp. 11–20). Pearson.
Spinuzzi, C. (2023). Mapping representations in qualitative case studies: can we adapt Boisot’s I-Space model? Journal of Workplace Learning, 35(6), 562–583. https://doi.org/10.1108/jwl-01-2023-0013Links to an external site.

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