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You must add the following sections to your current paper: Abstract (100-250 wor

May 23, 2024

You must add the following sections to your current paper:
Abstract (100-250 words) (following title page)
The abstract describes what your assignment is about, what you did, how you did it, and a very brief summary of the results. The abstract should be single spaced, centered, and no more than 250 words. The abstract begins on the second page of your manuscript. Do not indent.  The purpose of this section is to provide a brief summary of your experiment.  First present the purpose of your experiment.  Second, described who participated in your experiment.  The description of the participants should be brief (e.g. twenty-one college students); you should not provide detailed information, such as mean age and the number of males and females. Third, provide a brief description of your experimental method (e.g. what was manipulated and what was measured).  Fourth, provide a description of the results (e.g. which condition produced the fastest response time).  Finally, end with a concluding sentence that tells the reader what the results mean.
Procedure (following Methods section)
This subsection provides a concise description of the experimental procedures.  That is, what the participant experienced.  Organize this section around the events in each trial.  This includes the order and the timing of different stimuli that were presented.  When you get to critical stimulus events, give specific details about its/their nature (how stimuli were presented etc.).  Then, describe the nature of the participant’s response and the instructions to the participant regarding task performance. Next, describe how the specific responses were measured (i.e., response time, reaction time, number of errors, etc.)  This will also include the definition of the dependent variable and how it was measured.  For example, if the dependent measure was response time, operationally define response time.
In the next paragraph, describe the remaining important details of the testing situation (i.e., the length of the practice and experimental portions of the session. Were the practice trials time-based or performance-based?).  If practice sessions were performance-based, you must provide the performance criteria. If practice sessions were time-based, provide the number of trials each participant completed in the practice sessions. Although information about the conditions is usually provided in the experimental design section, sometimes it may be more appropriate to present information about the number of trials per participant or the number of trials in a block of trials in this part of the method section.
Discussion (following resutls)
1st paragraph should recap the aim of the study and how you conducted it
1. Aim, 2. Number of participants. 3. Purpose was to demonstrate….., for example: therefore an 8 wk treatment study that involved one hour once a week, was conducted to determine (your hypothesis)…
2nd Paragraph should discuss how your results align or disagree with the findings you discussed in your literature review
How do your results fit in with other studies, for example whatever article you critiqued from above, how do the results fit into this-summarize the results
3rd Paragraph should discuss what your results mean for you population of interest
Theoretical implication: the treatment works…practical implications to reduce the problem you discussed in your introduction
4th Paragraph should discuss some of the problems or limitations of your study
Limitations to your study what were they…for example: these participants were excluded, because as it turns out they suffered from co-morbid disorders, etc. Based on your experimental design what were some of the threats to Validity you need to consider in your limitations
Experimenter bias
Subject Bias
Rater Bias
Treatment validity
Treatment fidelity
Measurement error
Extraneous factors 
5th Paragraph should discuss how generalizable your findings are to the population
Generalizability-External Validity
6th Paragraph should discuss what the next steps should be in your future research
Future research
* Remember 
This is your full paper turn in including all sections: title page, abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, procedure, results, discussion, and reference page.
If you use AI to help you, you MUST cite it in your reference section, here is the APA formal link or you can use the following template
Author. (Date). Name of tool (Version of tool) [Large language model]. URL
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
In-Text Citation Example:
(OpenAI, 2023)

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