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You have to create a health intervention program. My topic is High blood pressur

May 11, 2024

You have to create a health intervention program. My topic is High blood pressure among Black people in the Bronx New York specifically. The program will be advertised in barber shops and churches to catch the audience. You have to do it in four phases then the final product. Each phase has to be its own document!
Health Education/Promotion Program Proposal
PRECEDE  Assignment 1: Phase 1:Social Assessment
(20 Points) Length = 3-4 pages; double spaced
Draft Assignment One will cover the social assessment of a specific health issue with a specific behavioral focus among a select target population. This assignment will be written in APA style (Coverpage, headings, citations & reference page. No abstract is needed)
Assignment should include the following:
(1)   Introduction: Health Condition, Population, and Setting (1-2 Paragraphs) (2 points)
·       Overview of health condition, population affected, and setting or context for population and program
·       Planners’ relationship with stakeholders and/or priority population, if any
·       Organization and setting/context of planning group
(2)  Justification of Health Problem Focus (Based on Social and Health Assessments)
a.  Quality of Life Issues/Establishing Need (Social Assessment: Needs/Assets Assessment) (3 points)
·      What are the biggest problems facing your target population?
b.  Overview of Health Problem (National/State/Local Data) (3 points)
Should make a strong case for health condition focus in this population including:
·       Prevalence or incidence of a health condition in a population at  national, state, or  local levels as appropriate
·       Comprehensive approach to needs assessment including existing data sources (e.g., surveillance data, statistics, records, existing literature), quantitative methods (e.g., surveys, health assessment), and qualitative methodologies (e.g., interviews, focus groups) for collecting target group-specific data
o   Must triangulate data from the National College Health Assessment, the existing literature, and data collected by the class
c.  Description of Primary Target Population /Setting (4 points)
·       Description of population including demographics and context in which they live, work, play,  pray, etc
·       Tentative setting in which the program will take place
d.  Key Stakeholders [and Change Agents] and Relationship with Program Planners (3 points)
·       Organization and setting/context of planning group
o   What is the planning group’s relationship to the population of interest?
·       Primary stakeholders
o   Who needs to be included in the process of planning a program (Consider: What about members of the target population?)  
o   What role will stakeholders play throughout the program?
o   What strategies will you use to engage and maintain stakeholders?
e.   Health Goal and objective and primary indicator for evaluation (2 points)
·       Provide a clear goal
o   What is the “big picture” view of success for your program?
·        Health objective
o   Should be clearly stated & formatted as a SMART objective.
­    Include specific health condition focus, indicator &  population
­   How will you measure the overall success of your program? 
PRECEDE-PROCEED Phase 2 : Epidemiological Assessment (2-3 pages)
a.  Overview of Behavioral and Environmental Risk Factors
·       Overview of behavioral and environmental factors in population and setting
·       Consider 3 levels of behaviors:
-Direct actions influencing one’s own health
-Actions influencing the health of others within one’s immediate environment
– Actions taken by individuals or groups that influence the physical, social, or political environment
b.  Justification of Selected Behavioral Factors in Population and Setting
·       A behavioral focus related to health issue is clearly identified and differentiated from non-behavioral factors and behavioral  influences
·       Provide documentation for the relationship between the  behavioral focus of program and health condition, making a strong case for  behavioral focus in this group
·       Provides evidence for feasibility of changing behavior in this population /setting
c.  Behavioral Objective and primary indicator for evaluation
·       Clearly stated and measurable objective that includes specific population, behavior and indicator, amount of change in indicator expected, and time frame
·       Amount of change expected based on national or state objectives and/or needs assessment data
·       Must be formatted as a SMART objective
d.  Environmental Factors (Context)
·       Key environmental factors contributing to health in the target group are clearly identified and documented
·       What factors in the social or physical environment are likely to influence your success in achieving your behavioral objective?
e.   Health Goal and Objective
·      What is your program trying to accomplish?
·      Primary indicator for evaluation
·      Health objective must be formatted as a SMART objective
PRECEDE-PROCEED Phase 3:  Ecological & Educational Assessment (2-3 pages)
a.  Multi-level Influences on Behavior: Predisposing, Enabling & Reinforcing (PER) Factors
·       Identify at least one of each type of causal factor influencing the target behavior:
o   Predisposing factors which provide the rational or motivation for the behavior (Consider: knowledge, attitudes, intentions)
o   Enabling factors (Consider: skills, access)
o   Reinforcing factors (Consider: reminders, positive & negative reinforcement, social support)
·       Which of these PER factors will your program target?
b.  Justification of Selected PER Factors in Population and Setting
·       Describe the  association between the selected educational/ecological factors and the behavior focus in this or similar population (with theory, evidence)
·       Provide evidence for feasibility of changing these factors in this population and setting (Consider: theory, past interventions, data from needs assessment).
c.   Educational Objectives and primary indicator for evaluation
·       One educational objective written including specific population, educational factor and indicator, amount of change in indicator expected, and a time frame.
o   What will be learned as a result of your program?
·       Formatted as SMART objectives
·       Amount of expected change is justified
d.  Ecological Objective and primary indicator for evaluation
·       One ecological objective including specific population, ecological factor and indicator, amount of change in indicator expected, and a timeframe.
o   How will environmental enabling factors change as a result of your program?
·       Formatted as SMART objective
·       Amount of expected change is justified
PRECEDE-PROCEED Part 4: Phase 4: Intervention Alignment and Strategies to Address Influences on Behavior  & Administrative & Policy Assessments
a. Theoretical foundation (1-2 pages)
·      Choose one behavioral theory or model to inform your intervention
·      Describe how your selected theory/model explains how your focal behavior can be changed
b. Program delivery (1-2 pages)
o   Describe the setting of the program.
o   How will the program will be carried out in this setting?
o   Who will be responsible for carrying out program activities?
o   How will participants be recruited and retained in the program?
o   Describe capacity development activities including training for change agents, staff or others. How will you ensure that the individuals responsible for carrying out the program are able to fulfill their responsibilities?
c. Theory and Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Influences on Behavior (3-4 pages)
o   Primary intervention strategies are clearly described for all levels of influence (to impact all education and ecological objectives)
-Program Components and Description (What does your intervention consist of? Describe all program components/elements, including materials, equipment, and media )
o   Strategies derived from theory and evidence-based sources- What is your intervention based on? Why will your intervention work?
o   How do your program activities reflect your chosen theory/model?
d. Logic Model: depicts program inputs, outputs (e.g activities), outcomes & impacts
o   Depict logic model  in table form, explain in paragraph form
Administrative and Policy Assessments (1/2-1 page)
a.     Overview of Existing and Needed Resources Needed to Implement Program and Evaluation Plans (staff, materials, funds)
o   What resources, including time, personnel, and money are needed to carry out the program?
b.     What additional factors may enhance or hinder implementation of your program plan? (Consider: Staff relationships with community & stakeholders, community circumstances, timing, etc.)
c.     What barriers to program implementation do you anticipate?
d.     How do you plan to address those barriers?
(7)  Summary of Evaluation Plan (1/2- 1 page)
a. How will you know whether health, behavioral, ecological & educational objectives were achieved?
o   How will you collect & analyze evaluation data?
(9)  Conclusion/Summary Paragraph
(10) Overall Grammar, Spelling, Writing Construction
Note: I reserve the right to request a consultation with the Writing Center and a rewrite before grading papers.
Final Draft:
Assignment Title: Designing a Health Program and Identifying Health Outcomes
Introduction: In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge of public health principles by designing a health program targeting a specific health issue based on your Needs Assessment document. Additionally, you will identify and highlight three key health outcomes that your program aims to achieve. Through this assignment, you will gain practical experience in program planning and evaluation within the field of public health.
Objective: To design a comprehensive health program and identify three specific health outcomes associated with the program.
Select a Health Issue: Choose a health issue or concern that you are passionate about addressing through your health program. This could include chronic diseases, mental health, substance abuse, reproductive health, or any other relevant public health issue.
Develop Program Components:
Goals and Objectives: Clearly define the overarching goals and specific objectives of your health program. Ensure that your objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).
Interventions: Outline the specific interventions or activities that will be implemented as part of your program. These could include educational workshops, community outreach initiatives, health screenings, policy changes, etc.
Target Population: Identify the demographic or population group(s) that your program will serve. Consider factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Identify Health Outcomes:
Short-Term Outcome: Choose one short-term outcome that you expect to achieve within a relatively short timeframe (e.g., within 6 months to 1 year of program implementation). This outcome should reflect immediate changes or results resulting from program activities.
Intermediate Outcome: Select one intermediate outcome that represents broader changes or achievements expected to occur over a medium-term period (e.g., 1 to 3 years). This outcome should demonstrate progress toward long-term goals.
Long-Term Outcome: Highlight one long-term outcome that reflects the ultimate impact or effect of your program on the target population or community. This outcome should align with the overarching goals of the program.
Justification: Provide a brief justification for each of the selected health outcomes. Explain why these outcomes are important in addressing the chosen health issue and how they contribute to the overall success of the program.
Submission Guidelines:
Submit a written report containing the following:
Title page with the title of your health program and your name.
Introduction outlining the purpose of the assignment and the selected health issue.
Description of program components (goals, interventions, target population).
Identification and justification of three health outcomes.
Conclusion summarizing the key points of your health program and outcomes.
Ensure that your report is well-organized, coherent, and free of grammatical errors.
Submit your report by [insert submission deadline] to [insert submission method].
Excellent (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
Clarity and Coherence of Program Design
The program design is exceptionally clear, coherent, and logically structured. Goals, objectives, and interventions are well-defined and aligned with the chosen health issue.
The program design is clear and coherent, with mostly logical connections between program components and the chosen health issue. Goals, objectives, and interventions are well-defined, but there may be minor discrepancies or areas for improvement.
The program design is somewhat clear and coherent, but there may be some inconsistencies or gaps in the connections between program components and the chosen health issue. Goals, objectives, and interventions are defined but lack integration.
The program design is unclear and lacks coherence, making it difficult to understand the connections between program components and the chosen health issue. Goals, objectives, and interventions are poorly defined and not integrated.
Identification of Health Outcomes
Three health outcomes (short-term, intermediate, long-term) are clearly identified and aligned with the program objectives. Each outcome is specific, measurable, and relevant to the chosen health issue.
Three health outcomes are identified and mostly aligned with the program objectives. Some outcomes may lack specificity or clarity, but overall relevance to the chosen health issue is evident.
Three health outcomes are identified, but there are discrepancies in alignment with the program objectives. Some outcomes may lack specificity, measurability, or relevance to the chosen health issue.
Three health outcomes are poorly identified and not aligned with the program objectives. Outcomes lack specificity, measurability, and relevance to the chosen health issue.
Justification of Health Outcomes
The justification for each health outcome is thorough, insightful, and clearly demonstrates why the outcome is important in addressing the chosen health issue. Connections between outcomes and program objectives are well-explained.
The justification for each health outcome is adequate and provides some insight into why the outcome is important in addressing the chosen health issue. Connections between outcomes and program objectives are explained, but there may be some gaps in reasoning.
The justification for each health outcome is basic and lacks depth in explaining why the outcome is important in addressing the chosen health issue. Connections between outcomes and program objectives are unclear or inconsistent.
The justification for each health outcome is lacking or absent. Connections between outcomes and program objectives are not explained, or explanations are incorrect or irrelevant.
Presentation and Grammar
The report is exceptionally well-organized, coherent, and free of grammatical errors. Formatting and layout enhance readability.
The report is well-organized, coherent, and mostly free of grammatical errors. Minor formatting issues may be present, but they do not detract from readability.
The report is adequately organized and coherent, with some grammatical errors that may slightly impact readability. Formatting and layout could be improved for better presentation.
The report is poorly organized, incoherent, and contains numerous grammatical errors that significantly detract from readability. Formatting and layout hinder comprehension.

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