2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


You have built a time machine and have decided to give it a test run. The first

July 9, 2024

You have built a time machine and have decided to give it a test run. The first set of travel destinations you will trek to are listed below.  Write an entry in your journal for each of the stops you make.  Since you will be seeing and observing a lot, each of your entries is a paragraph in length (minimum six full sentences), remember more is better. This is an exercise in creative, descriptive, and historical writing.
You have already learned about some of these historical periods from Power Points, your textbook, and handouts etc. You can include that information in your entries along with your own creative observations.  You may work ahead if you choose too, the textbook will help you with information to insert into your creative writing.  Your entry should be accurate, for example, in the 1920’s you are not going to notice jet airplanes flying overhead, or during the Gilded Age you are not driving your car to the factory (neither exists yet). In other words, keep it real and in context, but be creative. Most important write this in first person, the entries should not read like a book report. You are in each location for one day only, so do not write about the population growth of Chicago or the timeline of World War II, you cannot observe those things in one day. Please see my example at the bottom and watch the assignment video.
If you were there, in that place, at that time, for a day, what would you see, smell, hear, or feel as a witness to that place and time? Pictures can help you be descriptive, use images from the eBook, Power Points or Google Images; Do not include images in your assignment.
Your time machine stops for one day in the following locations:
Reconstruction Era – Charleston, South Carolina, a day in the 1870’s
Massachusetts Textile factory during the Gilded Age – a day in the factory during the 1880s
World War I U.S. – 1918 U.S. Trenches in France
June 4, 1919 – U.S. Congress (clue: look up the significance of this date in U.S. history)
Chicago – any day in the 1920s
New York – any day in the 1930s during the Great Depression
World War II Homefront – any day, anywhere in the United States during the war
Little Rock, AR – September 4, 1957 (clue: look up the significance of this date in U.S. history)
Your journal entries should be typed in 12 font, double spaced, Times New Roman. Each entry should be titled with the destination.
Example: (An example not listed from an era above). 
New York City during the Gilded Age
I traveled back to July 3, 1879, the Gilded Age. It is called the Gilded Age but the streets are not paved with gold. The apartments (tenant buildings) in the working class neighborhoods are small and cramped, with several people living in each apartment. No electricity, no elevator and no indoor plumbing in most buildings. The sounds of equipment running in factories flows out into the street usually accompanied by smoke coming out of the chimneys. The streets are never silent here, day or night, you can hear people conversing, horse hooves clanking on the streets and the carriage wheels turning over and over on the brick paved roads. The sounds of the city are the sounds of business, and the people move at a fast pace here; Like water rushing along in a river traversing the streets. Just when I think I have become used to the pace after only one day here, a feeling of suffocation comes over me. With the crowded streets here I carefully watch my step as to not be crushed by the people or trampled by the horses and carriages. Still, the energy and excitement of the city is exhilarating. 
A = completing all the journal entries. Writing in first person, as if you are actually spending one day in that time period. Every entry meets the minimum of six complete, detailed sentences (remember more is better). You were descriptive in your writing and historically accurate in all the entries. If you give a textbook (wikipedia etc.) definition of the assignment then there are no points given for that or any entry, needs to be first person and in your own words for credit. 
B= If you do not complete one entry it will drop you to a B. If you do not write in first person, descriptive, and historically accurate for two or more entries you will lose points. If you do not meet the minimum full paragraph requirements for two or more entries you will lose points to drop you to a B. If you give a textbook (wikipedia etc.) definition of the assignment then their are no points given for that or any journal entry. 
C= If you do not complete two entries it will drop you to a B. If you do not write in first person, descriptive, and historically accurate for two or more entries you will lose points. If you do not meet the minimum full paragraph requirements for two or more entries you will lose points to drop you to a B. If you give a textbook (wikipedia etc.) definition of the assignment then their are no points given for that or any journal entry. 
D= If you do not complete three entries it will drop you to a B. If you do not write in first person, descriptive, and historically accurate for two or more entries you will lose points. If you do not meet the minimum full paragraph requirements for two or more entries you will lose points to drop you to a B. If you give a textbook (wikipedia etc.) definition of the assignment then their are no points given for that or any journal entry. 
F= If you do not complete four or more entries it will drop you to a B. If you do not write in first person, descriptive, and historically accurate for two or more entries you will lose points. If you do not meet the minimum full paragraph requirements for two or more entries you will lose points to drop you to a B. If you give a textbook (wikipedia etc.) definition of the assignment then their are no points given for that or any journal entry

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