2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


You can write in small font such as 10 or 12 or even 8 on the power point slide

June 18, 2024

You can write in small font such as 10 or 12 or even 8 on the power point slide so as to be able to fit your information. Note that the PDFs can be blown up by zooming into them. Bullets and pictures are encouraged. Keep it simple. Your grade will be based on content, and clarity and attractiveness and readability of the poster. Have fun!!
To complete your poster, please refer to your country’s NDC report under the NDC registry at
https://unfccc.int/NDCREG and the information on the other assignments that you collected in
Title for poster, your name, the date, name of the poster session.
b) Copy all the graphs you made in Assignments 1 to 4 and arrange them on your poster. You will need to shrink them down so they fit. Since, they will be saved as PDFs, it will be possible to zoom in on fine details. Feel free to convert graphs into different forms than the line graph if you think that these will convey the information in the graph better.
c) Text box with a brief summary of main IPAT/ KAYA identity drivers of CO2 emissions (from fossil fuel combustion and cement manufacturing) and methane (CH4) emissions for your country based on your graphs and analysis from Assn 1 to 3. You may want to put one textbox under each graph or describe them all together in one textbox. It may be paragraph or in bullets.
d) Textbox describing overall emissions trends (for both CO2 from fossil fuels and cement) and methane trends for your country based on the graph in part b) and reasonable hypothesis with references. You may want to arrange this near the total CO 2 emissions, and emissions per capita graphs you made.
e) Textbox with your country’s abatement target type. Ex. emissions level target relative to some previous baseline level of emissions (ex. 1990), emissions level target relative to a Business as Usual estimate, target based on GHG intensity of the GDP relative to previous baseline year, no target (see your country’s NDC)
f) What is the abatement target level for the short term (ex. 2030), long term (ex. 2050)? Has your country met targets made under previous UNFCCC agreements (ex. the Kyoto Protocol & Copenhagen Accord) (see your country’s NDC)?
g) Textbox with some important abatement options for CO 2 and CH 4 emissions your country.
h) Textbox which highlights a few of the key policies in place to mitigate (abate) and adapt to climate change. Ex. Canada has carbon pricing with provinces setting own policies to price GHGs 16 and keeping any revenue generated, subsidies to electric cars, FIT systems in some provinces to incentivize renewable energy, fuel efficiency standards.
i) Textbox on the ways and extent to which LULUCF are contributing to your country’s emissions and whether other countries are offsetting their emissions by paying your country to conserve/restore forests or whether your country is offsetting its own emissions by paying other country or countries to conserve forests, for example though REDD+ with mention of potential loopholes.
j) Text box with key damages your country hopes to avoid by cooperating to keep Earth’s average surface temperature from rising by more than 1.5 to 2 degrees C.
k) Textbox with a discussion of whether your country faces a prisoners’ dilemma with respect to abatement and, if so, what it can do or is doing about this.
l) Pictures such as photos of damages already incurred, Emissions gap graph, abatement technologies in place or that are part of abatement plans. “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
m) One textbox with something else that you found particularly interesting about your country. You may wish to call this a “Fun fact” or “un-fun fact”.
m) References: Please put these in a textbox with the title references and use APL and be sure to source photos also. This should include the World Bank (for your graphs) and your country’s NDC report.  

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