2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


You are the communication director at Acme Widget Co. and oversee a small team o

June 22, 2024

You are the communication director at Acme Widget Co. and oversee a small team of direct reports. The CEO has recently brought three items to your attention that he would like you to address.
Part I: Communication Plan
The first item impacts external communication strategies. A new bicycle model that was part of a prerelease trial recently received many poor reviews on a prominent online marketplace website. One of the most-read reviews was from a customer with a high user following. The review read:
“I’m an avid biker, and I was all for the automatic downhill braking feature on this bike, but ten minutes into my first ride, the automatic braking kicked in while I was still on a flat stretch and threw me over the handlebars directly into the road. Thankfully, there was no traffic and I walked away with just some nasty scrapes and bruises. This could have been a lot worse if I were riding on a busy road. If you’re riding in any kind of high-traffic area or intend to go faster than 5 mph, do NOT get this bike!”
There was a problem with the prerelease braking sensor, but it was fixed before it was released to the general public. You need to explain to your team how you can work together to rebrand the product and use multiple mass-media channels to reach various audiences to increase sales, despite the poor reviews.
The second item impacts internal communication. It has come to the CEO’s attention that employees aren’t reading the monthly newsletter, a lengthy but helpful print publication that addresses everything from birthday shoutouts to organizational announcements. Recently, employees have been chatting about an upcoming reorganization of staff and getting anxious, but aren’t reading the newsletter that has accurate information. It is important for employees to read the publication so they can get accurate information at appropriate times, avoid spreading misinformation and speculation, and keep everyone informed. You’ll need to create a few key strategies that can help increase the efficacy of information sharing with employees.
Part II: Hiring Request
The third item impacts the size of your team. The CEO informed you that your department has been given a substantial budget increase in order to hire for three new communication positions that will help the company address current and emerging trends in the field. While the funds have been allocated for this purpose, you will need to explain the need for these new roles.
Part I: Communication Plan
Use the provided Communication Plan Template to address the following, and make sure to support your responses with course resources:
Role of Communication Team: Briefly explain the role and responsibilities of a communication department within a larger organization.
Business Problem Identification: Define each problem the business faces in the Part I Scenario and the communication theory or theories that most appropriately explain the cause or the problems.
Proposed Communication-based Solutions: Provide an overview of formats, channels, and strategies that the organization will be implementing to address each identified problem.
External: Identify appropriate media channels, strategies, and tools the organization will use to remedy the poor review and continue to build brand awareness.
Internal: Identify appropriate media channels, strategies, and tools the organization will use to improve internal organizational and group communication.
Explain how communication theory was taken into consideration when evaluating potential solutions.
Describe how the specific changes you are proposing are supported by communication theory or theories.
Part II: Hiring Request
Use the Hiring Request Form to explain how the three new positions within the communication department will improve business practices and address current and emerging trends in the field. Be sure to complete the following:
Historical Context: Describe a few key events in the field of communication and how these events have impacted current business practices.
Describe current professional and social trends that are impacting the field of communication, and explain how each is improving or impeding communications.
Describe current technologies that are impacting the field of communication, and explain how each is improving or impeding communications.
Emerging Careers: Based on what you have learned in the course, identify three new, specific roles in the communication department.
Describe how the three new and emerging career opportunities have developed based on current trends and technologies.
Explain how the selected emerging careers would add value to the business, and describe how they could benefit the business.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Part I: Communication Plan
You will submit a completed communication plan using the provided template (found below). Make sure to incorporate instructor feedback from Milestone Two in addition to completing the last few sections. Use the information in brackets [ ] to guide your responses for each section, and remove the bracketed guidance before submitting your finished project.
Part II: Hiring Request
You will submit a completed Hiring Request Form (found below). You’ll use this form to explain why your department requires the new positions. Make sure to incorporate instructor feedback from Milestones One and Two in addition to completing the last few sections.
Supporting Materials
The following resources may help support your work on the project:
Template: Communication Plan Template Word Document
This template will guide you as you complete your communication plan.
Template: Hiring Request Form Word Document
Use this Hiring Request Form to explain why your department requires new positions.

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