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You are required to involve a short story + another fiction text + 2-3 NON-ficti

May 22, 2024

You are required to involve a short story + another fiction text + 2-3 NON-fiction texts (article or book chapter). See below:
A short story +
another short story (maybe two short stories) OR a play or poem +
2-3 non-fiction, scholarly sources (credible article or book from library database/JSTOR, EBSCO
Make sure the article(s) = 5-12  pages and that it’s a scholarly source.
Also, include a Works Cited page in accurate MLA format (See Owl Purdue LINK,
Links to an external site.page 9 of sample paper)
Links to an external site.
Below are some of the Stories we’ve read for this course; you may use any of them in your final essay
“Jury of Her Peers,”  Susan Glaspell                                                                                     
“The Birthmark,”  Nathaniel Hawthorne
“The Metamorphosis,”  Franz Kafka      
“The Signalman,” HG Wells                                                     
“Sonny’s Blues,”  James Baldwin                                          
“The Yellow Wallpaper,”  Charlotte Perkins Gilman                                 
“The Oval Portrait,”  Edgar Allan Poe (posted)           
“A Good Man is Hard to find,”  Flannery O’Connor                                  
“Miriam,”  Truman Capote (posted)  
Use these MLA Citations for the stories listed above:
Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. Google Books, Frank Shay, 1916, www.google.com/books/edition/Trifles/wxZaAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover
Links to an external site..
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Birth-Mark. 1843.
Kafka, Franz.  “The Metamorphosis – Full Text.pdf.” Docs.google.com,
“The Signal-Man, by Charles Dickens; the Signal-Man Page 1.” Www.pagebypagebooks.com, www.pagebypagebooks.com/Charles_Dickens/The_Signal_Man/The_Signal_Man_p1.html. Accessed 16 May 2023.
Baldwin, James . “Sonnys Blues.pdf.” Docs.google.com, docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Zmxocy51c3xzdW1tZXJ8Z3g6NGQ5ZDY0M2U4YzkwZDliNQ.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. 1892.
Allan, From, and Edgar Poe. The Library of America • Story of the Week. Poetry & Tales (LOA, 1984.
“A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor — HCC Learning Web.” Hccs.edu, 2016, learning.hccs.edu/faculty/selena.anderson/engl2307/readings/a-good-man-is-hard-to-find-by-flannery-oconnor/view.
“Miriam by Truman Capote.pdf.” Docs.google.com, docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=bWFzdGNjcy5vcmd8dm9rZXN8Z3g6NTg3NWE3MjcxYmNhNzEzYQ.
“The April Witch (Full Text) by Ray Bradbury. The April Witch – PDF Free Download.” Docplayer.net, docplayer.net/188621540-The-april-witch-full-text-by-ray-bradbury-the-april-witch.html. Accessed 16 May 2023.
NOTE:  Socio-cultural factors include lifestyles, habits, peer-influences, education, religion, beliefs, values, demographics, social classes, sexuality and attitudes.
Below are your Prompt/Topic Options.  Choose ONE to write about for your FINAL Essay
How do the settings (places, rooms, furniture, clothing, objects, lighting, time of day, seasons, etc.) of two
stories reflect the inner feelings and/or influence the behavior of the
main characters? Identify certain symbolic figures that allude to these
Choose two stories
to analyze. How are color, light and shade used as symbols within the
stories? How does the lighting, time of day/night, mood/color relate to
societal aspects and tone of the settings?
Compare relationships/roles between
characters in two of the stories. What expectations do they hold towards
each other, and how are these characters affected by each other? 
Discuss socio-cultural aspects during the times the stories were written
and how it affects the context of the stories.
How do two of the authors build up
tension and suspense in their stories? Write about the suspenseful
incidents from both the perpetrator(s)’ and the victim(s)’ point of
How are acts of “denial” and “madness” masked and eventually met (revealed) throughout a couple of the texts?
Compare characters, settings &/or themes of two stories + examine commonalities of the authors’ socio-cultural experiences.
Discuss gender role frustrations and
similarities within a couple texts + examine commonalities of the
authors socio-cultural experiences.
Explain how various settings of a
couple texts act as an antagonist towards the main character(s). 
Discuss how these conflicts/relationships with the settings bring out
life lessons for the reader & society.
How does setting mirror the protagonists/antagonists and society in a couple of the stories?
Select two stories and note the
sensory imagery, setting descriptions and figures of speech; how do
these elements assist with the aesthetic (feelings, mood, emotions)
response of readers?
Interpret the meaning of “mystery
figures” (ghosts, voices of madness, monstrous creatures and physical
transformations) within several stories. Discuss the purposes of these
figures and how they manipulate the sequence of events throughout the
texts. How do these figures inspire the readers?
In two-three texts, analyze common
character-relationship patterns and the motives behind their actions.
Which character do you identify with? Bring in a psychological journal
article for at least one of your sources.
Here are some helpful suggestions for your FINAL paper.  Please check them off before Turning in your Final !
PLEASE make sure to review Owl Purdue’s Sample Paper, blue & green commentary boxes
and keep it at hand when typing up your paper. You will be held
responsible for knowing all those MLA rules and regulations there. I
want you to do well, and using the sample research paper is an important
key to success.
Cite every sentence you mention or borrow from articles & all sources whether it’s in your own words (paraphrased) or quoted.
Introduce all titles/author(s) of fiction & NONfiction stories, poems, plays & articles/books in your INTRO
Make sure to use the author’s LAST name + page (Smith 33).
(Smith and Wesson 33).
(Smith et al. 33)
Make sure you have mentioned all sources in the Works Cited at least once inside your paper: Do NOT use more than 2-3 sources [Norton (2-3 fiction pieces) + 1-2 nonfiction article(s)/book(s)].
Make sure your
in text citations include the author’s last name(s) and page(s) that
MATCH the Alpha ordered LAST names in the Works Cited page.
Specify vague PRONOUNS and words.  Use author’s last name with page & stay away from he, she, her: use specific names.
Use the green template from “They Say I Say” to add more
sophisticated phrases into your paper.  It’s a link with the video on
using in text citations.
Reread the prompt on the Canvas Homepage and check off the requirements as you incorporate them into your paper.
Make sure you have >5-6 FULL pages; the Works Cited will be the 6th. (no more than2-3 sources) + you should have 3 MAIN Points with 1-2 body paragraphs for each point.
Each body paragraph will need >11 sentences with a Topic Sentence at the beginning of EACH paragraph.
Thoroughly explain why quotations are important for every quote.
CONCLUSION:  Make sure to write > a half-page that discusses the significance of analyzing literature with emphasis on socio-cultural reflections and insights on humanity.  Also, mentioning how you approached the readings (CTAs, awareness of logical fallacies, etc) might enhance the depth of your ending.

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