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WRITTEN ESSAY INSTRUCTION Based on any of these stories “No Face” by Junot Diaz

July 5, 2024

Based on any of these
stories “No Face” by Junot Diaz and Trifles by Susan
Glaspell from the book Kirszner & Mandell COMPACT LITERATURE NINTH
EDITION , write a APA Format , Times New 
Roman, 12 font, Double space, Cover Page >Header left
hand corner, page numbers right hand corner, title(Comparing and Contrasting,
Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, Man vs. Society), your name, school’s name, class time
Write a five paragraphs compare and
contrast essay based on three types or one type of conflict, man vs.man,
man vs. self, and man vs. society using the  the book Kirszner & Mandell COMPACT LITERATURE NINTH EDITION
Focus on
three types of conflict:
No Face
and Trifles
Personal choice (man vs. self)
Voices debating their rightful places (man vs. man)
Cultural and traditional rules in society (man vs. society)
1 Introduction (4-5 sentences): Thesis Statement
points (inner, personal, extra personal)
2 Supporting Point 1 (5-6 sentences): man vs. self
details, two in-text citations one from each story from the book from the book Kirszner
3 Supporting point 2 (5-6 sentences): man vs. man
details, two in-text citations one from each story from the book from the book Kirszner
4 Supporting point 3 (5-6 sentences): man vs. society
details, two in-text citations one from each story from the book from the book Kirszner
5 Conclusion (4-5 sentences): Closing thoughts. How are both of these stories relevant to present
In the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell and the short story
“No Face” by Junot Diaz, there are similarities and
differences among self, interpersonal, and societal conflicts. No Face and Mrs. Wright struggle with the choices they must make to
survive. Other voices in each story debate the rightful place
of the protagonists. Finally, cultural and traditional rules are reflected in each story ultimately illuminating the core issues that
establish the foundation for such conflicts.
Man vs. Self
No Face and Mrs. Wright encounter self-conflicts after
being confronted with choices of survival. No Face is
viewed as both mysterious and monstrous because his face is disfigured. He seeks acceptance but knows this is not an option. When
confronted by a group of young boys who have intentions of
turning him into a girl, he has a choice to make. He knows that he is strong
and can more than likely kill each of them. However, he knows this is not the
answer as it would confirm his crucifixion. Nevertheless, “he says
strength and the fat boy flies off him and he’s running down the
street and the others are following” (Diaz, 1996, p.578). His conscious decision to use his strength to run opposed to fight
highlights his ability to overcome self-conflict. Similarly, Mrs. Wright
grapples with self-conflict on a daily basis when she attempts to avoid the wrath of her husband. She steps into her role as
a housewife and performs her duties.
Nonetheless, when confronted by his sour attitude, she
attempts to protect the one thing that keeps her sane. The murder
of her bird throws her into a self-conflict that results in the death of her husband. Mrs. Hale says, “I wonder how it would seem to
never have had any children around. No, Wright
wouldn’t like the bird-a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that,
too” (Glaspell, 1916, 1.1.123-125). Her choice to end his life
was in many ways her ability to begin a new life even if it meant
being branded as a murderer. Self-conflict within both characters arise making them question everything within themselves.
Voices of other characters> Padre Lou and Mrs. Peters
represents the fundamental pillars that influence
the decisions of men and women.
Padre Lou represents religion
Mrs. Peters represents the law
References> List of stories in alphabetical order (
provided below)
(1996) says, “Their mission was to accomplish the goals that would keep them
alive” (p.1) “Their
mission was to accomplish the goals that would keep them alive” (Diaz, 1996,
They completed the goals that helped them accomplish their
mission (Diaz, 1996).
Play APA Format
County Attorney says, “Well, Mr. Hale, tell just what happened when you came
here yesterday
morning” (Glaspell, 1916, 1.1.56) (Act. Scene. Line #).
R. (1981). Cathedral. Kirsner & Mandell Compact Literature: Reading,
Reacting, Writing,
9th Edition. Cengage. Boston, M.A.
Diaz, J.
(1996). No Face. Kirsner & Mandell Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting,
Writing, 9th
Edition. Cengage. Boston, M.A.
D. (1929). The Accident. Kirsner & Mandell Compact Literature: Reading,
Reacting, Writing,
9th Edition. Cengage. Boston, M.A.
Glaspell, S. (1916).
Trifles. Kirsner & Mandell Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, 9th Edition. Cengage.
Boston, M.A.
Kafka, F. (1924). Hunger
Artist. Kirsner & Mandell Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, 9th Edition.
Cengage. Boston, M.A

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