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Written Assignment The Romans fought four significant wars against the Greek pow

May 10, 2024

Written Assignment
The Romans fought four significant wars against the Greek power of Macedon. Based on your reading and conducting your own research, answer the following questions.
What were the causes of the conflict between Rome and Macedon?
What according to you was the most significant event of the Rome-Macedonian conflict? Why?
What were the consequences of Macedonia’s defeat by Rome?
Submit a paper that is 2-3 pages in length exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. The paper must cite at least two (2) outside sources in APA format and be well-written. You must include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Check all content for grammar, spelling and be sure that you have correctly cited all resources (in APA format) used. Refer to the UoPeople APA Tutorials in the LRC for help with APA citations.
Written Assignment Peer Assessment
In the unit following the submission of your written assignment, you will peer assess three (3) of your classmates’ assignments according to the instructions found in the Assessment Form. During this peer assessment period, you are expected to provide details in the feedback section of the Assessment Form, indicating why you awarded the grade that you did to your peer. The written assignment grade is comprised of a combination of your submission (90%) and your peer assessments (10%).
Written Assignment Peer Assessment
You will be assessed on the following criteria:
An explanation on the cause of conflict of conflict between Rome and Macedon.
A discussion of the most significant event of the Rome-Macedonian conflict and the reason for the choice.
An explanation on the consequences of Macedonia’s defeat by Rome.
Quotes and any outside information referenced and the placement of the references in the final list.
Included an Introduction and a Conclusion.
Clarity of writing and APA format.
In the previous unit, we learned about the rise of Rome and the Roman Republic. But Rome 
was not the only city in the region of Italy known as Latium. Much like the Greeks, the people of Latium also lived in independent city-states. They had a common language, worshipped the same gods and celebrated similar festivals but often came into conflict with each other. For example, the city of Etruria situated to the north of Rome and ruled by Etruscans often attacked cities in the Latium. 
Hence, defense was central to Rome’s military and political policies. At the same time, expansion into the Italian peninsula would prove beneficial for trade by eliminating its rivals. A relatively new player in the Latium, Rome soon rose to a powerful position and began to conquer the lands and people in its neighborhood. Naturally, it had to fight many wars to achieve dominance in Italy. Soon, it looked beyond Italy to the whole of Mediterranean, and eventually far off lands in Asia and Africa. In this unit, we will learn about the wars and conquests at home and abroad that led to Rome’s rise as a global power.
Conquest of Italy and Carthage
Conquest of Italy and Carthage
The Roman conquest of Italy. (n.d.). UNRV Roman History. 
This article gives a detailed analysis of Rome’s consolidation of Latium by describing the various conflicts and wars that it fought in the process.
After reading the article, scroll down to the table of contents and read:
Veii and the Etruscans
The Gallic Sack of Rome
The Samnite Wars
The Latin Revolt and the End of the Latin League
The Pyrrhic War
Coco, A. A. (2019). Cause, course, and consequence: The Punic wars (264 BCE to 146 BCE) (Publication no. 645) [Honors thesis, Wellesley College]. Wellesley College Digital Repository.
This paper discusses the causes and consequences of the First and Second Punic wars on Rome.
Read pp. 6 – pp. 45 and pp. 133 – pp. 144.
Ancient Rome Live. (2020, October 30). Rome’s conquest of Italy: 509-272 BCE – Ancient Rome live [Video]. YouTube. 
The Macedonian Wars
The first Macedonian war. (n.d.) UNRV Roman History. 
This article discusses the events and consequences of the First Macedonian War.
The second Macedonian war. (n.d.) UNRV Roman History. 
This article discusses the events and consequences of the Second Macedonian War.
The third Macedonian war. (n.d.) UNRV Roman History. 
This article discusses the events and consequences of the Third Macedonian War.
The fourth Macedonian war. (n.d.) UNRV Roman History. 
This article discusses the events and consequences of the Fourth Macedonian War.
Conquest of Syria & Egypt
Immacolata, E. (2015). Syrian Wars. In Y. Le Bohec. (Ed.), Wiley Online Library. John Wiley & Sons. 
Wasson, D. L. (2016, October 24). Roman Egypt. In World History Encyclopedia. 
This article discusses the early relations of Rome and Egypt, Rome’s conquest of Egypt, Egyptian attitude towards Roman control and the end of Rome’s hold over it. 
Kings and Generals. (2017, November 9). Battle of Magnesia 190 BC Roman-Seleucid Syrian war documentary [Video]. YouTube. 

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