2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA



June 25, 2024

This is Powerpoint Presentation that needs 10 slides TOTAL.  However speaker notes are needed on every slide with a minimum of 100 words. except title/reference page.
Word count for entire presentation is about 800 words. PLEASe condiser the word count in your bid.
Exam Content
Supervisors in criminal justice must brief their teams on effective processes to use with individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and must be ready to provide appropriate referrals to community mental health services for justice-involved individuals. Different populations will require different approaches, particularly in the case of addressing mental health needs. Criminal justice professionals and first responders need to be able to recognize the signs of mental health crisis and identify behaviors related to mental illness and disabilities to distinguish them from threatening criminal behaviors. Once they can assess a situation accurately, first responders can more effectively intervene and negotiate with the person experiencing the crisis, de-escalate the situation, and refer the affected individual to appropriate community mental health services.
As a supervisor of first responders, you will need to inform your team of procedures to follow in different circumstances depending on the needs of the individuals involved. Your team of criminal justice professionals will be discussing best practices at an upcoming meeting to evaluate strategies and initiatives for supporting varied populations. 
For this summative assessment, you will prepare the presentation that you would give at the meeting. Focus on strategies and initiatives for supporting justice-involved individuals in need of community mental health services as a result of mental health crisis, mental illness, disabilities, or a traumatic incident, and share your recommendations on community resources appropriate for the population and scenario that you identify.
Select one of the following examples of a mental health crisis that might occur in the criminal justice system as your scenario and focus population for this assessment:
A vulnerable individual has been taken into custody as a result of worrying behaviors related to mental health issues and/or disabilities.
An individual with a trauma background has called 911 in crisis after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic incident and is showing symptoms of PTSD.
A suicidal individual experiencing a mental health crisis has been intercepted by first responders who need to de-escalate the situation.
An individual has been taken into custody as a suspect of a crime and is experiencing a mental health crisis while handcuffed inside a police vehicle or detained in a cell.
An accused individual on trial who has been diagnosed with PTSD becomes angry and violent during court proceedings.
A detainee is showing worrying behavior that looks like withdrawal symptoms while in a holding cell.
An inmate has been assaulted or has assaulted or engaged in a physical altercation with another inmate.
An incarcerated individual with known mental health issues and/or disabilities did not receive treatment in the facility and has committed suicide. Their cellmate is experiencing symptoms of PTSD as a result.
Research and identify strategies or initiatives for providing mental health and/or disability services and support for the individual described in the scenario you selected, including de-escalation tips for first responders. Consider the factors particular to the situation and how the application of the strategy or initiative might vary in different situations.
Assessment Deliverable:
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation as if you were a supervisor presenting a briefing to first responders about strategies for supporting justice-involved individuals with mental health issues and/or disabilities who have experienced trauma. Your presentation should include the following information supported by evidence from your research of the professional context that you selected:
Summarize the crisis scenario you selected and describe any relevant details specific to the situation for your team to consider. Identify the trauma involved in the crisis and describe behaviors such an individual might exhibit in this type of scenario.
Identify an innovative strategy or initiative for negotiating with such an individual and ethically de-escalating the situation. Describe the intent of the selected strategy or initiative.
Evaluate a strategy or initiative for providing community mental health and/or disability services and support to such an individual. Describe the intent of the selected strategy or initiative. Identify resources available in your area that you would recommend to such an individual and summarize their benefits.
Explain potential outcomes and limitations associated with employing the selected strategies or initiatives when referring such individuals to these community mental health and/or disability services. Recommend ways to use the strategy or initiative more effectively in similar situations in your area.
include the following slides and topics in your presentation:
1: Title
2: Introduction
3: Trauma Factors to Consider in a Crisis Situation
4: Behaviors of an Individual Experiencing a Mental Health/Disability Crisis
5: De-escalation Strategy/Initiative and Intention of Proposed Strategy/Initiative for De-escalation
6: Evaluation of Proposed Strategy/Initiative for Providing Services and Intention of Services
7: Recommended Community Mental Health and/or Disability Services and Benefits of Resources
8: Potential Outcomes and Limitations of Strategy/Initiative for Services
9: Recommendations for More Effective Use of Strategy/Initiative
10: Conclusion/References
Format citations and references for any sources and images according to APA guidelines. Include citations either within the slide’s content or in the speaker notes on the slide where they are mentioned. Use the references slide to list your references. Cite at least 2 scholarly sources. You must provide speaker notes on your presentation ~ too much information on your slides can take away from the presentation. Information on slides should not be presented in paragraph format. 

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