I will need this essay in 6 sections.
1. Establishing an Argument
-Write your claim and counterclaim statements using the topic of “Does Florida do enough to prevent distracted driving?”
-Write the claim you will present in your argument essay.
-Write the counterclaim that you will refute in your argument essay.
-Now put them together in this sentence “Although(Counterclaim), (claim) is true because of (Main Idea #1), (Main Idea #2), and (Main Idea #3).”
2. Developing a Claim
-provide at least two primary sources and two secondary sources, in MLA format. You are encouraged to use an online source, such as EasyBib or Son of Citation to help create citations. Post your citations in the correct listing as either primary or secondary, and include a link to the site. The example citation cannot be used as one of your four sources, but can be used as an additional source in your essay.
-Research to find at least two Primary sources and two Secondary sources on our topic (distracted driving in Florida). Consider support for both the claim and the counterclaim. Cite each source in MLA format.
3.Draft Introduction Paragraph
Step 1: Introduce the topic of discussion.
Step 2: Expand the reader’s background information about the ongoing debate by introducing what one side says and what the other side says.
Step 3: Briefly acknowledge that the other side has some valid points, but maintain that your side is better.
Step 4: Make your claim (Thesis).
Step 5: Establish your line of reasoning by mentioning the major points you’ll discuss to prove you are right, in the same order that you’ll discuss them.
-Introduction Paragraph Here:
USE 3rd-PERSON ONLY*** Think: Drivers, the state, people, citizens, teens etc. Not: I, you, we
4. Draft Body Paragraphs
-Write 2-4 body paragraphs for your argument essay.
-Each paragraph must include evidence from research, cited in MLA format. Evidence will account for approximate 1/4th of your writing. Integrate evidence within the paragraphs and develop a bridge sentence that explains how the evidence connects to your main idea and supports the overall topic for writing.
5. Draft Conclusion Paragraph
-Write an effective conclusion by: restating your thesis/claim, summarizing your main ideas, adding your call to action/lasting impression
6. Revising and Final Draft Submission
-evising, editing, and proofreading.
-You must highlight revisions to show your work
– Finally, you will add a Works Cited page to give credit for your sources.