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Based on the introduction to Industry 4.0 video, digital transformation has seen a more connected industrial technology. In the software industry, one of the emerging digital technologies is artificial intelligence. AI has become a critical component in software development as developers seek to streamline processes and eliminate repetitive processes. Software developers have adopted AI tools to execute tasks faster, automate testing as well as compile codes. As the development of software applications moves from desktop to mobile devices, new technologies have come up (Khan et al. (2019). The progressive web app is one of the technologies adopted to allow developers to build web applications that have mobile versions using web-based languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Another emerging digital technology in the software industry is augmented virtual reality technology, which enables real-time integration of the digital world and the real world. It allows developers to create and orient virtual objects and connect them with the real world.
One of the emerging digital products in the software industry is mobile applications. Most developers today are developing mobile apps for various functions and tasks for mobile platforms like Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. These apps are often supported by smartphones and tablets, among other mobile devices. The demand for mobile apps as digital products has increased, especially for organizations that need to boost their businesses. Video games are also considered digital products in the software industry developed for the two prominent mobile platforms, Android and iOS. Moreover, video games offer platforms for advertisements for other branded products (Glass, 2007). Web-based applications are also software products downloaded from the web and installed on mobile devices and computers. These applications often run in a web browser and are sold as digital products. Such products include Google Drive, iCloud, and Dropbox, among other digital products.
Industry 4.0 is the fourth phase of the industrial revolution, which describe the current technological advancements. It refers to the digital transformation in automation and intelligent networking of machines and processes for industry supported by information technologies. Industry 4.0 presents disruptive intelligence and information technologies that have enabled high levels of production efficiencies and sustainable development (Bai et al., 2020). However, one unique pain point in Industry 4.0 is the issue of IT security, which is a recurring problem. The advent of online integration of processes and systems has presented a possibility of security breaches, as IT security is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Furthermore, prevalent threats such as network misconfigurations and software failures can disrupt operations and processes. This issue is often overlooked as most of these technologies promise advanced security disregarding the fact that each new technology presents a certain level of flaws and vulnerabilities