Specifications: 5 FULL pages double-spaced in standard font (11 calibri or 12 times new roman) minimum, MLA formatted with title and page numbers, incorporates citations/quotations and close reading !!(minimum 2 QUOTES PER PAGE after first page)!! Grade Weight: 20% (rough draft counts toward Participation) Pick ONE option for the paper topic using the book in which option you pick for resources and quotes (2 quotes per page after first page).
1. Write a paper exploring how a concept from postcolonial theory (like mimicry, double colonization, nativism, Nordicism etc.) functions in Americanah in a character binary. For example, you might explore how Adichie uses Ginika and Aunty Uju to show the continuum between double consciousness and Americanization. Or, you might use Emenike and Ifemelu to illuminate the spectrum between mimicry and nativism.
2. In Adichie’s Americanah, how is race in America treated differently than race in postcolonial Nigeria? You might want to narrow to 2 or 3 main points.
3. Using at least 2 characters from Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous, write a paper on how those characters’ intersectional identities inform how they “do” gender. In what ways are these characters’ multiple identities connected? Can I get a rough draft when possible, probably just a paragraph or page would work. Thank you!