2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Write a paper addressing the following prompt: • If a young person came to you a

May 4, 2024

Write a paper addressing the following prompt:
• If a young person came to you and asked your advice on how to succeed as a leader, what would you tell the person? What leadership approach would you recommend? Which would you advise avoiding? Would you say something different to a young woman or person of color? Why or why not? Ground your analysis in scholarly, research quality sources.
1. Write a paper that is approximately 5 to 7 pages in length (excluding the title and reference page) and addresses the essay prompt above.
2. Draw from the reading and video assignments in the course to support your ideas.
3. Integrate APA-formatted in-text citations and references in your assignment.
4. Submit your paper as a PDF or Word Document.
Sources (All sources listed below and the attached files also) 
MUST Include Northouse source textbook, and Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban. 
Northouse, P. (2002). Leadership: Theory & practice (9th ed.). Sage. 
Talty, J. (2022). The leadership secrets of nick saban: How Alabama’s coach became the greatest ever. Matt Holt Books, An Imprint of BenBella Books, Inc.

Bierema, L. (2016). Women’s leadership: Troubling notions of the “ideal” (male) leader.
Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18(2): 119-136. 
Northouse, P. (2002). Leadership: Theory & practice (9th ed.). Sage. 
Okozi, I., Smith, K., Harvey, C., & Sherman, R. (2009, August). Leadership styles of ethnic minority leaders. Communique, n.p 
Here’s an annotated bibliography of the provided sources in alphabetical order:
Bierema, L. (2016). Women’s leadership: Troubling notions of the “ideal” (male) leader. *Advances in Developing Human Resources, 18*(2), 119-136.
This article examines the problematic conceptualizations of leadership, particularly in relation to gender biases. Bierema delves into how societal perceptions of leadership often favor male characteristics, posing challenges for women in leadership roles. The study contributes to understanding the complexities of gender dynamics in leadership and highlights the need for more inclusive leadership paradigms.
Business Insider. (n.d.). Marcus Aurelius on Being a Good Leader. Retrieved from [https://www.businessinsider.com/marcus-aurelius-on-being-a-good-leader](https://www.businessinsider.com/marcus-aurelius-on-being-a-good-leader).
This source provides insights into leadership principles drawn from the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, a Roman Emperor and philosopher. It likely discusses Aurelius’ philosophical perspectives on leadership and how they can be applied to contemporary leadership contexts. The article is valuable for those seeking historical perspectives on effective leadership.
Change the Race Ratio. (n.d.). Three Ways Leaders Can Engage with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Retrieved from [https://changetheraceratio.com/latest/three-ways-leaders-can-engage-with-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/](https://changetheraceratio.com/latest/three-ways-leaders-can-engage-with-diversity-equity-and-inclusion/).
This online resource offers practical strategies for leaders to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within their organizations. It likely presents actionable steps and best practices for promoting a more inclusive workplace culture. The content is relevant for leaders interested in enhancing DEI initiatives within their respective organizations.
Dennison, K. (2021, January 25). 4 Strategies to Become an Inclusive Leader and Foster a Diverse Culture of High Achievers. *Forbes.* Retrieved from [https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2021/01/25/4-strategies-to-become-an-inclusive-leader-and-foster-a-diverse-culture-of-high-achievers/?sh=7719228b1f84](https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2021/01/25/4-strategies-to-become-an-inclusive-leader-and-foster-a-diverse-culture-of-high-achievers/?sh=7719228b1f84).
This Forbes article outlines four strategies aimed at cultivating inclusive leadership and nurturing a diverse workforce. Dennison likely provides practical tips and real-world examples to help leaders foster an inclusive culture that values diversity and promotes high achievement. The article is useful for leaders seeking guidance on creating more inclusive organizational environments.
Harvard Business Review. (2013, September). Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers. Retrieved from [https://hbr.org/2013/09/women-rising-the-unseen-barriers](https://hbr.org/2013/09/women-rising-the-unseen-barriers).
This Harvard Business Review article explores the hidden obstacles that hinder women’s advancement in leadership positions. It likely offers insights into the systemic barriers and biases that impede women’s career progression, along with strategies for overcoming them. The content is relevant for leaders and organizations committed to gender diversity and equality in the workplace.
Harvard Business Review. (2021, December). Are You Prepared to Lead a Diverse Team? Retrieved from [https://hbr.org/2021/12/are-you-prepared-to-lead-a-diverse-team](https://hbr.org/2021/12/are-you-prepared-to-lead-a-diverse-team).
This Harvard Business Review article examines the readiness of leaders to manage diverse teams effectively. It likely discusses the skills and competencies necessary for leading diverse teams and offers strategies for enhancing leadership effectiveness in diverse settings. The article is valuable for leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of managing diverse workforces.
Indeed Career Advice. (n.d.). Diverse Leadership. Retrieved from [https://ca.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/diverse-leadership](https://ca.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/diverse-leadership).
This online resource explores the importance of diverse leadership in driving organizational success. It likely discusses the benefits of diverse leadership teams and provides insights into strategies for promoting diversity at all levels of an organization. The content is relevant for leaders interested in fostering diversity and inclusion within their leadership ranks.
Medium. (n.d.). Leading Authentically: The 5 Components of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved from *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** style=”font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; cursor: auto;”>This Medium article explores the concept of authentic leadership and its relationship to emotional intelligence. It likely outlines the five components of emotional intelligence and discusses how they contribute to authentic leadership practices. The article is relevant for leaders interested in developing their emotional intelligence skills to enhance their authenticity as leaders.
Northouse, P. (2002). *Leadership: Theory & practice* (9th ed.). Sage.
This seminal textbook provides a comprehensive overview of leadership theories and their practical applications. Northouse likely covers various leadership approaches, including trait, behavioral, situational, and transformational theories, offering insights into effective leadership practices. The textbook is valuable for students, scholars, and practitioners seeking a deeper understanding of leadership concepts and frameworks.
Okozi, I., Smith, K., Harvey, C., & Sherman, R. (2009, August). Leadership styles of ethnic minority leaders. *Communique,* n.p.
This research article investigates the leadership styles of ethnic minority leaders, shedding light on their unique approaches to leadership. Okozi et al. likely examine how cultural factors influence leadership behaviors and outcomes, providing valuable insights for organizations seeking to leverage diversity in leadership. The study contributes to understanding the complexities of leadership across diverse cultural contexts.
Talty, J. (2022). *The leadership secrets of Nick Saban: How Alabama’s coach became the greatest ever.* Matt Holt Books, An Imprint of BenBella Books, Inc.
In this book, Talty explores the leadership strategies and secrets behind the success of Nick Saban, the renowned football coach at the University of Alabama. Talty likely delves into Saban’s coaching philosophy, decision-making processes, and team management strategies, offering valuable lessons for aspiring leaders in any field. The book is relevant for sports enthusiasts and leaders interested in learning from Saban’s leadership legacy.
Unknown Author. (n.d.). Greatest Leaders in History. *Champlain College Online.* Retrieved from [https://online.champlain.edu/blog/greatest-leaders-history](https://online.champlain.edu/blog/greatest-leaders-history).
This online resource likely provides insights into the characteristics and accomplishments of some of the greatest leaders in history. It may discuss leadership traits, strategies, and historical examples, offering valuable lessons for contemporary leaders. The content is relevant for individuals interested in studying leadership from a historical perspective.
Unknown Author. (n.d.). Video Title. [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from [https://www.youtube.com
You will be assessed according to the grading rubric attached to this assignment.
Unit 8 Essay
Unit 8 Essay
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeADDRESS THE ASSIGNMENT – The student follows the assignment’s instructions and meets the assignment’s objectives.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeANALYZE THE ISSUES – The student demonstrates an understanding of the ideas, theories, and models presented in the assigned readings and videos and applies these concepts to the assignment’s requirements.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePROVIDE SUPPORT FOR IDEAS – The student refers directly to assigned readings and videos to support the paper’s points, provides in-text citations, and develops ideas well.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFOLLOW APA FORMAT – The student adheres to APA format in all aspects of the paper.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDEMONSTRATED GOOD GRAMMAR & COMPOSITION – The student organizes the paper well and presents a paper that is well written, and free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
20 pts
Total Points: 100
20 pts
Addressed ALL issues identified in the assignment instructions and met the assignment’s objectives.
17 pts
Addressed MOST of the issues identified in the assignment instructions and met most the assignment’s objectives.
15 pts
Addressed SOME of the issues identified in the assignment instructions and met some the assignment’s objectives.
13 pts
Did not address the assignment in an appropriate manner in relation to the instructions and met very few of the assignment’s objectives
10 pts
Failed to demonstrate any understanding of the assignment instructions/objectives.
0 pts
Did not submit the assignment.
20 pts
Included ALL of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment. ANALYZED and EXPLAINED these ideas in a coherent and compelling matter in response to the assignment’s requirements.
17 pts
Included MOST of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment. ANALYZED and EXPLAINED these ideas in a coherent and compelling matter in response to the assignment’s requirements.
15 pts
Included SOME of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for the assignment. DESCRIBED these ideas in a coherent manner in response to the assignment’s requirements.
13 pts
Included FEW of the key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for the assignment. Did NOT ANALYZE these ideas in an effective manner in response to the assignment’s requirements.
10 pts
Failed to demonstrate any analysis of key ideas from the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment.
0 pts
Did not submit the assignment.
20 pts
Supported ALL of the paper’s central ideas with direct reference to ALL of the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment, used in-text citations, and made unique and original points with solid logic.
17 pts
Supported ALL of the paper’s central ideas with direct reference to MOST of the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment, used in-text citations, and/or made unique and original points with solid logic.
15 pts
Supported SOME of the paper’s central ideas with direct reference to SOME of the assigned readings and videos needed for this assignment, used in-text citations, and/or made A FEW unique and original points with SOMEWHAT reasonable logic.
13 pts
Relied primarily on personal opinion and DID NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT for the ideas from assigned readings and videos.
10 pts
Failed to provide any support from the assigned readings and videos; relied strictly on PERSONAL OPINION to support the paper’s points.
0 pts
Did not submit the assignment.
20 pts
Followed APA format without exception. No errors.
17 pts
Followed APA format with FEW exceptions. Minor errors.
15 pts
Generally followed APA format with SOME exceptions. Some errors.
13 pts
Followed APA format but presented with MANY exceptions. Several errors.
10 pts
Failed to demonstrate any use of APA format.
0 pts
Did not submit the assignment.
20 pts
Demonstrated SUPERIOR graduate-level writing by organizing the paper EXTREMELY WELL, writing in a straightforward manner using only active voice with zero grammatical and spelling errors.
17 pts
Demonstrated ABOVE AVERAGE graduate-level writing by organizing the paper VERY WELL, writing in a straightforward manner using primarily active voice, and/or very few (1 or 2) grammatical and spelling errors.
15 pts
Demonstrated AVERAGE graduate-level writing by organizing the paper FAIRLY WELL, writing in a straightforward manner using a good deal of passive voice, and/or few (3 or 4) grammatical and spelling errors.
13 pts
Demonstrated a NEED TO IMPROVE the paper’s organization, use much more active voice, and/or reduce grammatical and spelling errors to show graduate-level writing skills.
10 pts
Failed to write at a graduate level in any aspect of grammar and composition.
0 pts
Did not submit the assignment.

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