A final project/paper Pick a topic or case from one of the following books (available thru Library). Write a 6 page summary and lay out the forensic skills utilized in the and present a short power point illustrating the steps as if you were presenting it to a jury. It should be comparison to the materials presented in the text and in class. If you want to choose another book or topic from textbook let me know. I will add some additional Books as semester goes on. Bone voyage : a journey in forensic anthropology / Stanley Rhine. Stanley Rhine Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press 1998 Forensic detective : how I cracked the world’s toughest cases / Robert Mann and Miryam Ehrlich Williamson. Robert W. Mann 1949- Miryam Ehrlich Williamson New York : Ballantine Books 2006 The bone woman : a forensic anthropologist’s search for truth in the mass graves of Rwanda, Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo / Clea Koff. Clea Koff New York : Random House Trade Paperbacks 2005 Digging for the disappeared : forensic science after atrocity / Adam Rosenblatt.Adam Rosenblatt (Adam Richard), author. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press 2015 Death’s acre : inside the legendary forensic lab the Body Farm where the dead do tell tales / Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson ; foreword by Patricia Cornwell. William M. Bass 1928- Jon Jefferson Bones never lie : how forensics helps solve history’s mysteries / Elizabeth MacLeod. Elizabeth MacLeod Toronto : Annick Press 2013 The bone lady : life as a forensic anthropologist / Mary H. Manhein. Mary H Manhein (Mary Huffman) New York : Penguin Books 2000 Silent witness / Roxana Ferllini. Roxana Ferllini Willowdale, Ont. ; Buffalo, N.Y. : Firefly Books 2002 Maggots, murder, and men : memories and reflections of a forensic entomologist / Zakaria Erzinc¸liog?lu. Zakaria Erzinc¸liog?luNew York : Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin’s Minotaur 2002 Crime scene chemistry for the armchair sleuth / Cathy Cobb, Monty L. Fetterolf, Jack Goldsmith. Cathy Cobb Monty L Fetterolf; Jack Goldsmith (Jack G.)Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books 2007 The poisoner’s handbook : murder and the birth of forensic medicine in Jazz Age New York / Deborah Blum.Deborah Blum 1954-New York : Penguin Press 2010 A fly for the prosecution : how insect evidence helps solve crimes / M. Lee Goff. M. Lee Goff (Madison Lee) Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press 2000 Dead men do tell tales / William R. Maples and Michael Browning. William R Maples Michael Browning New York : Doubleday 1994 Hard evidence : case studies in forensic anthropology / edited by Dawnie Wolfe Steadman. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall 2003
Write a 6 page summary and lay out the forensic skills utilized in the and present a short power point illustrating the steps as if you were presenting it to a jury.
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