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Write a 4-page letter based on the scenario provided below. In this letter, you

August 12, 2024

Write a 4-page letter based on the scenario provided below. In this letter, you will analyze your leadership skills by explaining how you will lead a project that requires group collaboration. The content of the letter has to be supported by 4-5 scholarly references, some of which are given below. they should be 5 years old or less. You have to include a Title page and the reference page. Grading will be based on these competency levels that have to be addressed. Develop a professional response to the supervisor using the following. In your response: Identify the qualities of a successful leader and compare them to your own leadership characteristics.Make recommendations on how to lead and foster teamwork. Written communication: Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently. Use correct grammar and mechanics. Proofread your writing. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. References: Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 4-5 current, scholarly or professional sources.APA format (7) has to be used : Apply current APA formatting to all in-text citations and references. For your information these are the Competency that will be graded (1: )Apply qualities, skills, and practices used by effective healthcare leaders. Describe leadership qualities desirable for the proposed project. Compare one’s own leadership skills against those of a chosen healthcare leader. Explain one’s role as project leader, using approaches from a selected leadership model. Competency 2: Apply practices that facilitate effective interprofessional collaboration. Describe and apply to practice an approach to effectively facilitate collaboration among a professional team. Competency 4: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, .Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.
Scenario to be used for this assigment: Use this Scenario to complete the Assessment. Imagine that you work in a health care facility and your boss has just stopped by your office and says the following: Hi, I just have a couple of minutes – please forgive me for stopping in without advanced notice. One of the results of a recent employee survey at Lakeland Clinic indicates we have some issues to address. The data show 75% of the employees have concerns about at least one of the following: diversity issues, workplace incivility, and poor worklife balance. Senior leadership has asked me how I plan to respond, and my first inclination is to put you in charge of assembling a team to address one of the issues. You have demonstrated effective organizational and communication on other projects and I think you will be a great asset as we move forward. I have to run right now, but I’ll send you an email with more information before I leave today. See you later!
Subsequent Email : Thanks for talking with me this morning. I just want you to know that this is really a great opportunity for you. I know you have been interested in taking steps to becoming a leader in this organization and now it’s time to realize your potential. As you know we opened the Lakeland Medical Clinic to serve area residents who were unable or unwilling to use the services offered at the main hospital. The first two months of operation saw strong patient volume. Since then, the numbers have dropped off dramatically. This prompted leadership to start asking some questions, which lead to the internal survey that I mentioned yesterday. I just met with leadership and they determined that the priority right now is the diversity issue because we have the opportunity to improve outcomes for both employees and the community. This is part of an email I got from the clinic director last week: “. . . after careful examination of all aspects of the organization and talking with some neighborhood leaders we have concluded that residents in the community do not feel comfortable coming to the clinic. It seems the staff are lacking the ability to develop a trusting relationship with the residents primarily because they do not understand the cultural values and norms. The neighborhood residents, which you know are predominantly Haitian, often feel their beliefs, values, and health practices are not understood.
When staff members were hired, we only considered their past work experiences, education and potential. We may have failed to fully consider their ability to work with diverse populations.“ Hopefully, the information gives you a better understanding of the issues to be addressed. Time to get started as things need to move quickly. I want you to assemble a committee to clearly define the problem and ultimately provide guidance on solutions. Before introducing you to the clinic director and executive team, I want to review your approach specific to leadership style and collaboration. I want two things from you in a written document. The first part is just for me, but the second part I intend to share with the clinic director. First, identify and describe a leader you would choose to lead a project like this and explain why. It can be anyone that is qualified, even someone famous. Your choice will tell me a lot about your leadership approach and priorities. Next, select one of the characteristics that make them successful and compare it against your leadership skills. The second item is related to leading and fostering teamwork and collaboration among a group of interdisciplinary professionals. We are looking for 4–6 members to serve on a committee that will be considering the diversity issue and ultimately making a recommendation on how to address it.
I want you to: • Describe your role and approach to leading the group. How will you lead and communicate? Will you be an authoritative, collaborative, democratic, servant, or transformational type of leader? Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your approach in the context of this project. • Describe how you would facilitate collaboration to maximize team effectiveness. You might consider Communication technologies. Practices (accountability, decision making, delegating). Techniques for sharing information and ideas. Any others ideas you might have. Remember this information will be shared with the clinic director so keep it clear, focused, and professional. Creativity is important; however, we want to be sure that your ideas and approaches align with current healthcare organization trends and practices, so include references from current academic or professional resources to support your points.
I have confidence in you!
Hints and just some suggestions that you might want to use to include to write this letter: Understanding how to foster collaborations is an essential leadership skill that can lead to increased employment engagement, productivity and job satisfaction. Basically, you are analyzing leadership skills and how to use them to lead a project requiring group collaboration. In your introduction, you will accept the challenge and stress what issues you are addressing. Describe how to handle the diversity issues effectively and the skills necessary for effective leadership and what leaders should do to make sure it works. You should choose a person in the healthcare profession who is outstanding in this area to lead the project. Give valid and sound reasons why this person is chosen and make sure to support it with scholarly references and facts. Why this person? Discuss what method you would use to implement that the method you choose will work. Compare your method with the other person’s method /strategies. What are some of the steps you are going to use to address the diversity issues and the key qualities you possess and how you are going to handle it. These are just some of my suggestions. Remember, follow the instructions above closely and guidelines.This letter has to be coherent, and make sure whatever reference you use is correct. just do not put down any reference for the sake of it. These references will be verified . Some suggested reading material for the Leadership topic:(1) Vision of Effective Leadership by Cote, R.,Journal of leadership, Accountability and ethics 14(4),2017 (2)On developing responsible leaders By Eriksen, M et. Al (3)The most effective leadership style for the new landscape of healthcare by Delmatoo, J.,&Lazans,etc.
For reading materials for Collaboration (1)Empowering nurses to Lead Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Environments through a Nurse Leadership Institution by Embree, J.L., Wagner, L. Henderricks etc.(20 Balancing Quality healthcare Services and Costs through Collaborative leaderships by Okpala, P. Journal of Healthcare management and others that are relevant

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