Conversion Testimony Assignment Instructions
Write a 2-page essay discussing the details about how you became a Christian. Structure each section of your essay according to the details given below. It is wise to write out a first draft and practice sharing it. This will give you a gauge as to the need for information.
This Testimony paper is designed so that you will work on presenting your testimony in a concise, succinct way and still be effective! You will need to read and reread this testimony paper so that it contains necessary detail while remaining clear and understandable.
Use the following outline to prepare your conversion testimony:
1. “I have not always been a Christian.” (Briefly describe your life
before becoming a Christian.)
o Did you become a Christian at a young age?
o Did you grow up in a Christian or a non-Christian home?
o Did you have any other spiritual beliefs?
2. “I realized I needed Jesus and received Him into my life when…”
o Was it a youth or other church event?
o When did you hear the gospel for the first time?
o Was it after a conversation with a friend or family member?
o Did it happen through some difficult circumstances in your life?
3. “The biggest change I have noticed in my life is…”
o What are some of the challenges you have faced?
o Has your faith been consistently growing?
o What are some of your spiritual victories?
4. “May I share how something like this can happen to you?”
The heart of your conversion testimony is answering the first 3 questions above. Question number 4 is a transition question into a Gospel presentation. You are not required to write anything in reference to question 4.
The key to your conversion testimony is brevity (no more than 2 pages) while retaining the important elements. You should be able to communicate your story in about 2 – 3 minutes!
Your conversion testimony should outline how Jesus changed your life through the gospel, not church, family, etc., but how you were “born again” through being confronted by your sin resulting in genuine repentance and surrender to Christ. In other words, your conversion testimony should include the whole gospel in reference to being convicted of sin through the Holy Spirit, thus resulting in spiritual transformation. In short, it is your Jesus Story, strictly bible as a reference and source