Articles Review
Read the Balthazard, Cooke, & Potter (2006) article and write a 2-3 page summary of the article, including an overview and analysis of the author’s findings and conclusions, as well as your reaction to the article. In your response, reference at least 5 external sources beyond the textbook and the Balthazard, Cooke, & Potter (2006) article.
See attached for Grading Criteria.
Some Introduction about the Topic:
Organizational culture has been the focus of the analysis so far, but as pointed out earlier, both DEC and Ciba-Geigy existed in national and regional macro-cultures. To fully understand what goes on inside the organization, it is necessary to understand both the organization’s macro context, because much of what you observe inside simply reflects the national culture, and the interplay of subcultures because they often reflect the primary occupational cultures of the organization members. Organizational culture is a multifaceted construct that cannot be easily described by just a few dimensions. The culture of a group reflects the issues and problems that every group faces, namely dealing with its external environment and managing its internal integration. The dimensions of culture reflect the issues that a group faces as it copes with and learns the external context of the organization in which they operate and the processes it uses to problem-solve and accomplish their tasks. At the same time, it must be able to develop and maintain effective relationships among its members. Group members must be comfortable with the identity of the group, their position in the group, and know the rules for how group members are going to treat and work with each. Culture serves to provide stability, meaning, and predictability in the present and is the result of the group’s past decisions. In addition to the cultural assumptions that reflect the groups external and internal processes, are deeper seated assumptions that develop as the group matures and evolves. As can be seen, culture is a complex phenomenon that must be examined from a multitude of perspectives.
Additional Sources Writer Could Use in the Essay:
Schein, E. H. (2016). Organizational culture and leadership (5th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Chapter 6. Dimensions of the Macro-Cultural Context
Chapter 7. A Focused Way of Working with Macro Cultures
Chapter 9. How External Adaptation and Internal Integration Become Culture
Required Articles
Balthazard, P. A., Cooke, R. A., & Potter, R.E. (2006). Dysfunctional culture, dysfunctional organization: Capturing the behavioral norms that form organizational culture and drive performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(8), 709-732.
Schein, E. H. [Annual Reviews]. (2015, May 12). Ed Schein – Let’s Focus on (National, Organizational, and Occupational) Culture. [Video file]. Retrieved from
Ed Schein – Let’s Focus on (National, Organizational, and Occupational) CultureLinks to an external site.
Ed Schein – Let’s Focus on (National, Organizational, and Occupational) Culture