Specific individual student and group behaviors are necessary and productive for overall group functioning. It is up to the teacher to facilitate, guide and support these behaviors. This means effective group work skills must be taught and discussed.
Begin by reading sections on Social Skills, Explanatory Skills, Leadership Skills, within Chapter 8 beginning on page 185.
Watch Video
then Read Vignette 8.8
Provide written response to questions under Pause and Consider:
Think about what Mrs. Walker chose to feature and in what order. Also think about other skills and practices she might want to practice in the next weeks.
Individually respond to the following questions:
1. Why might Mrs. Walker have chosen the sequence she did for these group work skill lessons?
2. How did her pacing impact the students’ understanding of these skills and their importance to group work?
3. How might you rearrange or modify her sequence and pacing? why?
4. How might the pacing and sequence of skills change if Mrs. Walker were teaching a different grade level?