The occupational fatality rate for police officers is 3 – 5 times greater than the average for the working population in the United States. In 2017, 140 police officers committed suicide compared with 129 police officers who died in the line of duty during the same period.
There must be a genuine concern for the wellness of police officers relative to incapacitating physiological, psychological, and emotional health problems, in addition to other occupational hazards associated with their jobs. The officer’s wholeness has a direct impact on their abilities to perform their duties and responsibilities.
Active Learning Question:
Why is the overall wellness and mental health of law enforcement officers ultimately critical to the safety of the members of the general public?
What do I post?
Your initial active learning input each week must be fully responsive to the active learning question and must include APA style and format in-text citations in the commentary connected to listed APA style and format references at the end. In other words, your points and perspectives must be objectively supported by scholarly sources.