Work on the questions below and save answers to a Word/text document (save to your PC).
Answer in a specific manner by making specific connections between this week’s assigned readings/ videos and your reflection. Please add in-text citations and/or reference(s) when necessary. THE NECESSARY READINGS WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE ATTACHMENTS AND BELOW IN THE FORM OF LINKS. PLEASE ONLY USE THOSE SOURCES.
1. BBC Documentary – How Art Made The World 2 of 5 – The Day Pictures Were
3.Dr Nigel Spivey cave art 1
4. Do schools kill creativity?
Reading Questions
1. Why does Ken Robinson believe Art is less valued in our education system than subjects like Math and Science? Do you agree? Why/Why not?
2. Ken Robinson and Csiksentmihalyi talk about (in different ways) the role of the body and movement in facilitating creativity:
a) What do they specifically say?
b) Does bodily movement affect creativity in your experience?
3. Csikszentmihalyi describes some forms of entertainment as keeping us from creativity (bottom of p 348).
a) What is his argument? Do you agree?
b) Can forms of entertainment also encourage creativity?
c) What role does a person’s environment have on creativity? Give examples.