This is a screen request form for Nurse practitioner job working with veterans. Pls I really need help ASAP. Just few sentences.
1. Why are you interested in working with Veterans?
2. Have you had a previous assignment where you were required to work independently? If yes, please explain. If no, please describe a time in which you had to use your resources effectively without assistance from your team.
3. Describe a time in which your normal work routine was significantly disrupted and how you adapted to that situation.
4. Tell me about a time you have adapted your communication style to work effectively with different personalities in the office.
5. Describe a time in which you were given a deadline or expectation and the steps you took in order to meet that deadline or expectation.
6. In your current or previous role, what would a typical day look like in regards to the number of patients seen, exam length, conditions evaluated, charting after patient encounter, etc.?
7. This job requires electronic documentation for the exam. If you were working to document the exam and the technology failed, how would you troubleshoot and continue from there?
8. Describe a time in which you had to resolve a conflict with a co-worker.
9. LHI will be requesting changes to your exam documentation verbiage based on contractual guidelines. Have you received this type of feedback in the past? If yes, please explain. If no, how do you feel about receiving feedback?
10. How are you able to differentiate between objective and subjective evidence?
11. General Medical practitioners only:
Are you comfortable refuting previously documented medical opinions?
12. What makes you stand out from other candidates?
13. General Medical practitioners only:
The following type of exams are routinely requested. Do you feel comfortable and sufficiently trained to perform an exam on the following systems:
a. Gynecological
b. Rectal
c. Prostate
d. Breast