Nature of the Assignment:
Homework Essay
You would not know it from our increasingly corporate-controlled cultural environment, but we are facing an existential environmental crisis. According to climate science, systemic change is urgently needed to avoid environmental catastrophe.
For the Homework Essay, you will make specific connections between a recent peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary academic article on climate change and the textbook material. Keep in mind that there are no absolutely right or wrong answers to the questions. Your goal is to demonstrate accurate knowledge of both the academic article and the textbook material, to connect the article with the textbook material in logical and convincing ways, and to deliver your analysis in a clearly organized and structured, both scientifically and linguistically sound manner.
Academic article:
Bradshaw, Corey J.A. et al., Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future, Frontiers in Conservation Science, 13 January 2021.
Respond to BOTH of the following Critical Thinking Questions:
1. Based on the academic article, which core theoretical framework of sociology (i.e., functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, feminism, postmodernism, poststructuralism) do you consider MOST capable of finding solutions to the environmental crisis we are facing, and why?
2. Based on the article, which core theoretical framework of sociology do you consider LEAST capable of finding solutions to the environmental crisis, and why?
In your essay, demonstrate accurate and thorough knowledge of the academic article and of the core theoretical frameworks that you discuss, as well as the ability to connect the article with the core theoretical frameworks.
Instructions & Guidelines:
• Format: PDF file
• Length of your analysis, excluding the title page and the bibliography: 3-4 typed pages
• Font, etc.: Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, standard margins
• Title page (in addition to the 3-4 analysis pages): See the link below under “Information” for details.
• Bibliography (in addition to the 3-4 analysis pages): Whenever you are using a piece of information or an idea that you have obtained from any kind of source, you must properly cite that source in your text and include it in your bibliography. You may format your
bibliography using any style you are familiar with (e.g., APA, MLA). For more information, see the link below under “Information.”
• Essay format: Use essay format, which consists of a brief introductory paragraph, a body (the main part of your analysis), and a concluding paragraph. Organize the body of your essay into two main parts, using the headings “Question #1” and “Question #2.” You must use full sentences and paragraphs.
• Citation: When using material from the textbook, cite it in your text as follows: (Symbaluk and Bereska, p. 13) or (Symbaluk and Bereska, Chap. 1). When referring to material from the academic article, cite it as follows: (Bradshaw et al.). If a whole paragraph of your text is based on one and the same source (e.g., on one and the same textbook page), that source only needs to be cited once at the paragraph’s end, rather than at the end of each individual sentence of that paragraph.
• Sources: You are only required to use the textbook material and the academic article for this assignment; no additional sources are required.
• Information on MacEwan’s formatting rules is available here: 20Quick%20Guide_0.pdf
• Writing Help: Students can get help with writing through MacEwan’s Writing Centre. The Centre is located in MacEwan University Library and offers a range of services for students, both in-person and online. It is also highly recommended that students install Grammarly. This is a free app provided to MacEwan students that assists with proofreading and editing documents.
• Academic integrity: Students are responsible for understanding the Student Academic Integrity Policy and what constitutes academic misconduct and be aware of the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure All incidents of academic misconduct, as outlined in the policy, are reported and recorded by the Academic Integrity Office and resources are available on MacEwan’s Academic Integrity Website.
• Submission: The homework essay must be e-mailed to the instructor as a PDF-attachment by 11:59PM (on Nov 4), and the e-mail must be titled: ”SOCI 100-GS11: HOMEWORK ESSAY”
Grading Criteria:
• Breadth/scope of analysis:the range of ideas and pieces of information from the textbook material and the climate report
• Depth of analysis: the level of depth and detail provided (e.g., referring to specific quotations from the textbook and the report)
• Accuracy and extent of knowledge
• Making specific connections: ability to connect the textbook material with the external
learning resource in logical and convincing ways
• Technical aspects: grammar, structure, clarity, organization, logical flow, punctuation,spelling, citation, etc.
While these criteria will determine your mark for the assignment, please note that each criterion will not receive an individual mark. Instead, the assignment will receive a global mark.