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When at the museum, select one work of art that appeals to you on an emotional l

May 16, 2024

When at the museum, select one work of art that appeals to you on an emotional level in some way (with either positive or negative feelings) and prepare a 1500-3000 word, double-spaced, paper that includes a thorough formal analysis and additional research from at least two scholarly sources -at least one of which can’t be a website (it may be an article, paper, or book accessed online via the Library). No encyclopedias.  Your paper will discuss and demonstrate a critical appreciation of the visual art ideas, design fundamentals and materials observed (see the modules that introduced Visual Language/Design and Media and Techniques).
Additionally you will have to find, and include in the paper, at least one picture of the work you select and at least one selfie you take with the work in person, without which the Discussion will not be accepted. 
Your notes should include a description of the artwork. This involves taking an inventory of what is depicted. What do you see? (imagine you are describing what you see to someone over the phone) Start with the obvious. Name what you see: trees, figures (how many), squares, ovoid shapes, biomorphic shapes, colors, etc. Are they located in the foreground, mid-ground, or background? Recognize repetition of shapes, colors, etc. Point out spatial characteristics. Does it appear you are looking into deep space or is the space very shallow? Discuss the character of execution of the media. How has the paint been applied? Are there many thin layers, impasto? Are the tools of execution evident in the work? You may not use all this information in your final edit, but it will help to create a mental picture for your reader and will help you remember details about the appearance of the work.
Formal Analysis
Formal analysis refers to the relationships among the elements and principles of design that can be identified in the work. How are they organized in regard to shape, the areas with intensity of color, texture, etc.? Are there contradictions such as more than one type of space being implied? See the module that covers Visual Design for more specific detail on this topic.
The following questions will help you decipher what is being overtly and covertly expressed:
Is the composition stable or dynamic? What type of balance exists? Symmetrical? Asymmetrical? Are shapes, colors, textures, or other elements repeated to create a rhythm?
Is there more variety or more unity in the design?
Are there perspective effects; overlaps, changes in size, color intensity, or sharpness of edge, that suggest space deeper than that of the picture plane? Are objects shown with shadows or highlights? Are there contradictions such as more than one type of space being implied?
Does there seem to be a dominant color scheme, primary, complementary secondary, warm or cool, or analogous?
Do the light and dark tones (value) of the work strongly contrast or change gradually? Is there a main focal point or more than one center of interest?
Iconographic Analysis
Next make notes on the context and iconography. This will require additional research. You will be exploring the history, mythology, and philosophy relating to the symbolic content of the work. Remember that some works will have more than one meaning. Below are examples of the kinds of questions about meaning that you might ask while viewing the work.
What themes are found in the work of art?
What symbols are found in the work?
What do they mean? What relevance do these meanings have for the culture in which the work was created and for contemporary culture?
The descriptive, formal and iconographic notes will be very useful when you are writing the paper at home.
Don’t trust yourself to remember details without notes.
The following are questions to consider while studying the artwork. They may help you with the formal and expressive properties.
For any work of art
What is the focal point in the work?
How has the artist managed to focus your attention on the main element?
What style of art is this? How can you tell?
Why do you think the artist created this work?
For a drawing or print
How did the artist’s choice of medium affect the drawing?
Was the choice of medium a good choice? How so?
For a painting
What type of paint was used?
How does the artist’s use of color affect the painting or your reaction to it?
Describe the color relationships, and what significance they may have.
If there are visible textures, how could the artist have made them? Discuss possible ways the paint was applied.
If the painting was not done on canvas, why do you think the artist chose a non-traditional surface to work on?
For a photograph
Is the photograph black and white or color?
Does the choice of b&w or color have a particular effect on the subject matter? Would one or the other have been a better choice?
Is this a documentary-type photo, or an “artistic” one? How can you tell which it is?
For a sculpture
What material is used?
Are there visible textures? How does texture impact the subject of the work?
Is the work a high or low relief or is it meant to be seen in the round?
Format your paper as follows and insert each of the two required images: at least one picture of the work you select and at least one selfie you take with the work in person, without which the Discussion will not be accepted. 
You do not need a title page. In the upper left hand corner of the first page put Student Name, Instructor Name, Course, Section and Date. Two spaces below this heading type the title of the essay. Leave two spaces between the title and the first line of the paper.
All papers must be typed, double-spaced.
Use 11 or 12 point font
Do not use a showy font.
This paper requires two Image/Illustrations inserted into it:
at least one picture of the work you select and
at least one selfie you take with the work in person, without which the Discussion will not be accepted. 
Cite your illustrations by number both on the illustration and in your text. For example: Albrecht Durer’s detail of The Knight, Death and the Devil depicts his mastery of the medium of engraving and his use of detail to enhance the expressive content of his work.”
Be sure to Insert the .jpg images of the work – do not provide links – they need to be embedded within the Discussion post.
(Illus. 1) Albrecht Durer, detail of The Knight, Death and the Devil, 1513, Engraving, 9 7/8 x 7 1/2″;
Generally the Illustration citation will include the following:
Name of the artist
Title of the work
Year produced
Cite your sources using MLA format for citations. Review the following guide from the Purdue Online Writing Lab, for more information. Notice that the menu at the left-hand side titled MLA Formatting and Style Guide provides you with the correct form for various sources. This is an invaluable resource, use it diligently. Not using in-text citations can be considered plagiarism. See more detail about citations within the section on Grading.
The Field Trip assignment is worth 110 points total.
Respond to all of the posted guidelines.
Write 1500 (minimum) – 3000 words (not including citations), include in-text citations and list your two sources under a Works Cited heading at the end of the paper. The only accepted resources are scholarly or academic. Take a look at this page from St. Mary’s College on how to decide if your source is scholarly. Encyclopedias MAY NOT be used (including Wikipedia). Points will be deducted per the guidelines for not meeting the word requirement or for not using correct citations.
As mentioned above, you need a minimum of two sources beyond the course materials provided to you. Cornell University offers great information in the Library website to clarify further the use of acceptable sources for academic/scholarly research vs popular or sensational sources (not admissible.) Remember most encyclopedias (including Wikipedia) are not acceptable sources. If you are in doubt about a source, you can always D2L email your instructor.
ALSO there is a big difference between PARAPHRASING VS. PLAGIARISM. Please review this resource – The Writing Page from the University of Wisconsin to understand the difference.
Use MLA format for citations. Review the following guide from the Purdue Online Writing Lab, for more information. Notice that the menu at the left-hand side titled MLA Formatting and Style Guide provides you with the correct form for various sources. This is an invaluable resource, use it diligently. Not using in-text citations can be considered plagiarism.
I have attended the Tucson Museum of Art and chose a piece or art that was on display. Attached is the image of the chosen artwork along with the name/description of it which was located right next to the piece of art.  it is the left most artwork and it is called the vessel with carved surface. 

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