a contemporary essay “research ish” based on something that happens in the fashion industry the past two years – 2019 to 2021 with theory topic of the new masculinity and femininity and difference analysis on the topic.. Talk about how brands have introduced unisex / clothing for all? How brands like Gucci are the new masculinity, harry styles, and his style. How magazines have been able to in corporate such topic of the new masculinity and feminity.
What’s the result of such a topic and how are people reacting to the idea. Find things in the fashion that related to feminity and masculinity within the past two years. including the nature and role of masculinity in fashion.. Talk about how the past has affected the fashion industry within the feminity idea, such as the YSL suit on women (shot by Helmut newton), and how it relates to today’s time to still keep it within the two year frame on topics.. The class book is Fashion In Focus: Concepts, Practices, and Politics by Tim Edwards – which topics are based on.