What was the purpose of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, and how did they attempt to accomplish their goals? Provide historical examples of at least two different kinds of activities the UDC was involved in and carefully explain how the UDC used those activities to carry out its intended goals.
more than 500 words and around 3-4 paragraphs. (Take note that this is longer than the topical discussion post … it’s also worth twice as much). PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE … it’s not worth it.
Your answer should begin with a concise thesis as a direct answer to the question,
it should analyze the main ideas presented in the reading,
and it must cite specific supporting details from the reading (meaning that you need to actually talk about examples and details in the response … there are only 2 sources (the book and the textbook), so I’m not expecting any more detailed citations than a brief title and a page number or ebook location number).